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The following morning, Rosalie is called to Elizabeth's office. By now, Elizabeth knows all that happened the day before and what Rosalie did. Rosalie knows that, despite the fact that everyone had made it back alive and without any injuries, aside from Ollie and Bassel, and the mission having been a success, what she did was enough to warrant some kind of punishment, since she disobeyed direct orders. Granted, she isn't part of the military contingent, but Elizabeth made it very clear that she was to follow Sheppard's orders. Now it's time for her punishment, and she is ready to accept it, no matter what it is.

Rosalie arrives at the office and knocks before being motioned in by Elizabeth. "Here we go."

-"Take a seat, Rosalie."

-"Elizabeth, if I may..."

-"No. You may not. I already know what happened and what you did. What were you thinking?" - Elizabeth takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself, before continuing. - "First off, what you did to the merchant Cadogan is not how we do things around here. Granted, he gave you the information you were looking for, but still... And going rogue on the mine? Not only did you put yourself at risk, but your teammates as well. What if the mine had collapsed? Or more Genii had appeared and ambushed you? Then what? What were you going to do?"

-"You're right." - Rosalie sees Elizabeth let out a sigh, racking her hand through her hair.

-"Why, Rosalie? Just help me understand why you would do that."

-"I owed it to Chantria and Bassel to do everything I could to bring them back to Fay. And with Ollie... His mother, Juniper, was the only person who was willing to talk to us and help us create a rapport with the other villagers when we first visited the village. I couldn't just stand by and let them get hurt and not do something."

-"I can understand that. But I hope you can understand that I can't just let this one go. This needs to be addressed and I need to make sure it doesn't happen again, otherwise people will start thinking that this is okay."

-"I understand you need to make an example out of me and my behavior. I just ask to be allowed back to Fay's planet so I can escort Ollie back to his mother once he's released from the infirmary. I promised her I would bring her son home."

-"I can live with that. You are suspended for a month, remanded to your quarters and not allowed to leave, except for meals and always escorted by someone, understood?"

-"Understood." - She nods, knowing it could be a lot worse.

-"Rosalie, I wish I could just let this slide, but everyone already knows what happened and I can't, in good conscience, let it go. You should know, the only reason why you're only suspended for a month is because, in the end, everything worked out, with no casualties and no one getting hurt."

-"I know, and I give you my word that I will start listening and playing by the rules."

-"You can go to your quarters. When the time comes for Ollie and Fay's family to go home, I'll send someone to get you."

-"I really am sorry, Elizabeth. And... Thank you for letting me keep my promise."

Rosalie sees Elizabeth nodding, before leaving her office. As she reaches the Control Room, an Airman approaches her, introducing himself, and tells her he's there to escort her to her quarters. Rosalie looks over her shoulder and smiles, knowing that she should've seen that coming.

As Rosalie walks back to her quarters, she thinks back at all that happened the day before and is grateful that no one from Atlantis had gotten hurt because of what she did. But at the same time, she knows that if she hadn't, there was a high probability that Chantria, Bassel and Ollie might've ended up dead.

Yes, a month's suspension is a small price to pay if it means that they are alive and safe.

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