Well Worth It

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Rosalie resumes her walk to the infirmary, her mind going through what Sheppard just told her. She thinks that maybe he's right, she needs to start trusting the people around her more, specially when she is off-world.

She knows that it won't be easy, she was on her own for so long that it's hard for her to really trust people to have her back while in a fight. She's used to holding her own, fighting alone and not depending on someone else to have her back.

But now, like Sheppard had said, she is part of a team and she has people who, if push comes to shove, would take a bullet for her. That is, if she can trust them enough for them to actually want to take that bullet.

Rosalie realizes then that she either makes a change or soon enough no one will trust her but Evan. She would count Sheppard as well, but she doesn't believe that after what happened he would want to be added to that list.

Rosalie enters the infirmary and the first thing she sees is Fay reunited with her parents and Ollie laying on a bed right next to Bassel's, all of them smiling. That right there is the reason why she did what she did and she wouldn't change it for a second. Whatever punishment Elizabeth might give her, will be worth it just to see them all safe.

Rosalie sees Beckett and gives him a nod, before finding an empty bed and sitting on it, waiting for the good doctor to come and do her post-mission check up. She sees him walking over, greeting her and start his examination, her eyes now back with the people she saved.

-"How are Bassel and Ollie?" - She needs to know they are going to be okay.

-"Bassel is going to have some scars from the lashes he received but is going to be okay. Ollie all in all was lucky, he only has a couple of broken ribs. He will have trouble moving around for a little while, but with time he will be fine."

-"Thanks for helping them, Beckett, and for taking care of Fay."

-"No need for that, love. Besides, Fay has a natural knack for bandaging wounds." - He smiles at her.

-"I know. She would bandage my wound when they saved me." - Rosalie chuckles at the memory of the little girl carefully bandaging her side.

-"I heard what you did, love. And even though I don't agree with disobeying orders, I understand why you did it."

-"I had too. If it hadn't been for Chantria and Bassel, I would be dead right now." - Rosalie sees Beckett nodding in understanding, before telling her she is free to go and giving her a smile.

Rosalie thanks him and hops down from the bed, walking over to where the four of them are. Fay is the first to see her and the little girl sprints over to her, hugging her tight around her waist, while thanking her for bringing her parents back.

Rosalie chuckles and tells her that she doesn't need to thank her. The little girl gives her one last hug before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards where her parents and Ollie are, smiles on their faces as they see them approaching.

-"Thank you, Miss Rosalie, for saving us." - Ollie says, a shy smile on his lips.

-"And for taking care of Fay, as well." - Bassel adds.

-"You really need to stop thanking me. All I did was repay a debt. And would do it again, in a heartbeat. By the way, Ollie, just so you know, your mother is fine and is waiting for you at home."

-"Thank you, Miss Rosalie. If you ever need anything, just know you can count on me."

-"Let's hope that day never comes, okay?"

Rosalie smiles at the boy and sees him smiling back. She meant it when she said that she hopes that day never comes. The last thing she wants is to see him in danger again. Rosalie looks around and thinks that whatever punishment Elizabeth has in store for her, it will be well worth it just to see them there all alive and safe.

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