Blast From The Past

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Walking through the corridors of the city that she loves, Rosalie has a renewed sense of hope brewing inside of her. Things were going to be okay now that Evan is awake. Sure, he still needs to go through physical therapy, but things are looking good.

She arrives at the infirmary and greets the team on shift that morning with a smile as she walks by. Rosalie heads straight to Evan's bed and sees that Beckett is already there.

-"Morning. How's our patient?" - She greets both men with a smile.

-"Morning, love. Major Lorne is doing well. If he keeps it up, I might be able to let him go to his quarters in no time."

-"You need to listen to Beckett and do as he says, Evan. I am getting a little too familiar with the infirmary's protocols by now." - Both men chuckle.

-"Well, if you wish to change fields, I'm always needing new doctors and nurses."

-"As tempting as that might sound, I think I'll stick with alien languages, thank you very much."

-"Fair enough. I'm leaving you in good hands, Major. I'll come by later."

Beckett leaves to attend to his other patients, chuckling as he goes. Rosalie walks around Evan's bed and takes a seat on the little stool that has been her faithful companion for the last month.

-"How are you feeling?" - She looks back at Evan.

-"I'm okay. Still sore in a few places, but Beckett says it's normal. You?"

-"I'm just happy that you're awake."

-"Me too." - He grabs her hand, giving it a squeeze. -"Beckett told me you were here every day."

-"I wasn't gonna leave you. It's my turn to be here for you."

-"I'm happy you're here." - His thumb rubbing circles on her hand.

-"There's nowhere else I would rather be."

Rosalie smiles at him. She means it when she says that there's nowhere she would rather be than right there with him. He is her best friend, not to mention the man she loves, there's no chance in hell she would be anywhere else.

They spend the next few minutes talking about a few things that happened while he was in a coma, the hardest one being the death of Airman Nelson. After all, the Airman was a member of his team and finding out that he died while off-world wasn't exactly easy for Evan.

Rosalie is in the middle of telling him about the latest training session the Marines had with Ronon in the sparring room, when she is called to Elizabeth's office. Kissing his cheek, she tells Evan she will be back later and leaves to find out why Elizabeth wants to see her. But before she leaves, she feels Evan grabbing her hand and tells her to be careful. She smiles and tells him that she always is.

A transporter ride later and Rosalie is standing outside of Elizabeth's office, seeing Sheppard there as well, both looking somewhat concerned.

-"Hey. What's going on?" - She asks as she walks in.

-"Rosalie. Good. As you know we had our weekly data burst this morning. While we waited, I spoke with General O'Neill and he asked me to give you a message." - Elizabeth says.

-"Okay? What's the message?"

-"General O'Neill asked me to tell you that... Am-He has resurfaced but that they took care of him." - Elizabeth can see the change in Rosalie at the mention of Am-He.

-"Does that mean what I think it means?"

-"Am-He is dead, Rosie." - Sheppard steps forward from behind Elizabeth.


-"From what I was told, SG-1 had a run-in with him and he ended up dead. General O'Neill wouldn't give more details." - Elizabeth looks at Rosalie, who is now sitting in one of the chairs across from her desk.

-"I was sure that his ship had blown up when I sabotaged the device. You mean to tell me that for the past six, almost seven years that I've been in this galaxy, Am-He was still alive and spreading terror all over the Milky Way?" - Anger is rising inside of her.

-"From what the General told Elizabeth, you still manage to do quite a lot of damage when the device exploded and by doing so, ended up saving a lot of people." - He crouches near her chair. -"Right now you need to focus on the fact that he is dead and you're still alive, nothing more. You survived, he didn't. Focus on that."

-"You're right." - She lets out a sigh as she stands up. -"Thank you for giving me the message. May I be excused?"

-"Of course. Let us know if you need anything, please." - Elizabeth softly tells her.

-"Thanks, but I think I'll be okay. I just need to wrap my head around what you just told me."

Rosalie sees Sheppard and Elizabeth nodding, before she leaves the office. She heads for the closest balcony, wanting some privacy but also to get some fresh air. This was the last thing she had been expecting when she was called to Elizabeth's office and now she doesn't know what to do with the information she just received.

She leans over the railing and looks at the ocean bellow, its waves crashing against the city. All this time she thought that Am-He was dead. No, scratch that, she was sure he was dead. In one way or another, she had made peace with it. But now? Now, she doesn't know how to feel about it.

Knowing that he had been alive all this time is something that is making her angry. Not because she wasn't the one who killed him, but because ever since she arrived to the Pegasus Galaxy, he had been in the Milky Way terrorizing innocent people. And that's what she's having a hard time with. She should feel relieved that he's dead, but instead all she feels is anger.

Sure, she wanted to be the one to have killed him, as payback for all that he put her through, but in the end, he ended up dead either way. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she knows that Sheppard is right. She needs to focus on Am-He being dead and her alive. Not only is she alive, she is thriving. She has a job she loves, in a city where she is more than happy and is surrounded by people who care about her. What more could she ask for?

Rosalie takes her hand to her neck and holds her necklace, a smile making its way to her lips. It's time she leaves the past where it belongs and to start thinking about the future and what she wants from it.

Fighting her feelings for Evan isn't working, and it's just going to hurt her even more in the long run, specially now that she almost lost him. She makes a decision she should've made a long time ago. When Evan is out of the infirmary, she will tell him how she feels and she will deal with the consequences no matter what.

Taking another deep breath and letting it out, she leaves the balcony and heads for the infirmary to see Evan, hoping that when she eventually tells him how she feels isn't the biggest mistake she has ever made and that, by the end of it, she'll still be able to keep Evan in her life.

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