Save Them

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As the team arrived back at the jumpers, Rosalie is surprised that Elizabeth had sent that many SGA teams. Looking at the people around her, she now feels more confident that they can save everyone, hopefully without losing anyone in the process.

Sheppard makes quick work in laying out a plan. Telling the teams to spread out and find covert points of entry, his intention is to try and make it in and out with a minimal amount of casualties. Granted, they are no longer outnumbered, but still, a covert approach is their best bet at coming out of this in one piece.

The teams spread out and position themselves around the mine, each team leader telling their team where to look. It becomes clear, though, that there is no way to do this without alerting the Genii of their presence right away.

Sheppard hears the reports each team radios back and knows that the only way they are going to pull this off is with a diversion. And he isn't alone in acknowledging that.

-"We can use the jumpers as a diversion." - Rosalie says from her place next to him.

-"What're you thinking?"

-"We use one of the jumpers as bait. Do a couple of flybys, shoot a couple of drones, and make the Genii follow the jumper. That way, while the majority goes after the jumper, we can go in and deal with the Genii that are left."

-"That's actually not bad." - Sheppard clicks his radio on. - "Rodney."


-"Get one of the Marines to do a couple of flybys with a jumper over the mine and shoot a couple of drones, before flying away from the mine. Have him stay in visual contact with the Genii so they can follow him."

-"You want to use the jumper as bait? Are you insane? What if they shoot the jumper down?"

-"Rodney!! Just do it."


-"As soon as they follow the jumper, head in. Watch your backs and direct people towards the gate. Understood?" - A chorus of "Yes, Sir." comes over the radio at his orders, the teams acknowledging their orders.

The voice of Corporal Hill, who is now flying the jumper, comes through the radio, telling them he is in position. Sheppard looks over to his team and nods, knowing everyone is more than ready. Giving the go ahead to the Corporal, he watches as the jumper comes into view and starts shooting drones at strategic points, making sure not to hit anywhere that could possibly hurt an innocent.

As soon as the Genii start following the jumper, Sheppard gives the order to attack the mine. Confusion is unleashed and soon they are exchanging fire with the remaining Genii. Sheppard watches as, one by one, they are taken down by the members of his teams.

Sheppard calls for Rosalie and they set off to find Rosalie's friends. He needs to stay close to her, just in case she decides to go rogue again. Shooting a couple of Genii, they make quick work to the mine's main entrance.

That's when he hears Rosalie shouting his name and pointing at a man tied to a wooden pole not far from where they are. They run to where the man is and Rosalie starts untying him. It is clear to Sheppard that the man had been lashed, the lashing marks all over his back making for a somewhat gruesome scene. Beckett is going to have a lot of work with those wounds, Sheppard is sure.

As soon as Rosalie finishes untying him, Sheppard calls two Marines over and tells them to take, who he now knows is, Bassel back to the jumper. He hears Rosalie ask the man where his wife and the boy Ollie are, with Bassel telling her they are inside and Rosalie promising him that she will find them.

Before Sheppard could even say a word, Rosalie is already sprinting towards the inside of the mine, shooting Genii as she goes, leaving Sheppard behind, screaming at her to wait. He shoots a Genii that is trying to ambush her and then another that comes up from behind him, knowing that he'll never catch up with her.

Rosalie runs into the mine, freeing people as she goes, all the while shouting Chantria and Ollie's name, waiting to hear them call out. The deeper into the mine she goes, the worse the conditions are and Rosalie can't help the anger that's bubbling inside of her.

Rosalie calls out Chantria's name once again and when she thinks that maybe they aren't there, she hears someone calling her name back. Running towards the voice, she soon finds Chantria with Ollie, and is relieved to find them.

But that relief is short lived when she sees them properly. Ollie is pinned down by a rock, that according to Chantria had fallen before the shooting began, and Chantria is trying her hardest to lift the rock from the boy's body, but not having much luck, cuts and bruises already covering her face and hands.


-"Chantria! Ollie! Are you okay?"

-"He can hardly breath. I tried getting the rock off of him, but I can't."

-"It's okay. I got it. Ollie, I need you to be still alright? It's gonna be okay. Just stay still." - Rosalie points her Staff weapon at the rock and shoots, breaking the rock.

-"Thank you, Miss Rosalie." - The young boy tells her, out of breath.

-"Let's get you both out of here."

-"Wait, Bassel. We need to find Bassel."

-"Bassel is safe. He's with my people. Now let's get you two out of here."

They walk as fast as they can towards the exit, being the last ones to come out of it. They make it away from the mine, an Airman taking over carrying Ollie as soon as he saw them, and Rosalie tells Chantria to follow the man.

Rosalie shoots a couple more persistent Genii before meeting up with Sheppard, a pissed off look on his face. She knows she's in trouble, but she doesn't care. She has what she wanted. Reaching for her radio, she tells Corporal Hill to blow the mine up.

They make it to the jumpers, the other teams arriving almost at the same time as they do. The Airman lays Ollie on the floor of the jumper and leaves to join his team, Rosalie thanking him as he walks past her. She watches as Chantria hugs Bassel, a tear leaving her eyes at seeing her husband alive.

Rosalie walks inside, following Sheppard to the front of the jumper, and as she walks past Chantria, she feels a hand on her arm.

-"Thank you Rosalie." - Chantria tells her, tears in her eyes, her husband nodding his head from the seat beside her.

-"You don't need to thank me, Chantria. It's the least I could do. Plus, I wouldn't been able to do it without my friends."

-"May I ask, how did you know?" - Bassel asks.

-"Fay came looking for me and told me." - Rosalie smiles at Chantria, seeing the shock on her face.

-"Fay? Is she okay?"

-"She's fine and safe. She's with my friends. We are taking you there right now."

-"Oh, thank the Ancients. Thank you Rosalie, thank you."

Rosalie smiles at Chantria and walks away to stand near Sheppard at the front of the jumper, passing Ronon who gives her a pat on the shoulder and a smile. Rosalie knows that without them, she probably wouldn't had been able to free them, so she is beyond grateful that they were there to help her.

-"Thanks, Sheppard."

-"Next time you pull a stunt like that, I'll shoot you on sight, understood?" - He tells her, his eyes never leaving the front window of the jumper. - "And you're welcome."

-"Understood. Plus, I know you would've done the same thing."

Sheppard looks over his shoulder at her and she just smiles at him. Rosalie goes to the back and sits across Chantria and Bassel, looking at them and then at Ollie, who is on the ground breathing a lot better than he was, and smiles.

Rosalie leans her head back against the hull of the jumper and thinks that she is lucky to have so many people who care about, not just her but, those around them as well. She smiles at the thought and prepares herself for what's to come when she returns to the city.

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