Just Tell Her

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A week. A full, and very long, week of Sheppard trying to pry information from Lorne every time they were together and yet he still came up empty. The man just wasn't giving him anything. At one point, Sheppard thought he was on to something, only to end up just as frustrated as all the times before.

That was it for him. He is done beating around the bush and decides for a more direct approach. He is certain that if Rosalie knew what he is planning on doing, she would kick his ass, but he is getting to a point where either he just goes straight to the point or he's going to drive himself, and those around him, insane.

He sees Lorne walking a bit ahead of him in one of the corridors of the city and decides that this is it. It's now or never. Stopping the man and pulling him into an empty room, he knows that neither of them is leaving that room unless Sheppard gets some answers.

-"What's going on Sheppard?" - Lorne looks at him confused.

-"What are your intentions with Rosalie?"


-"I know you guys had that whole 'friends with benefits' thing going on and that it ended. But I also know that you have stayed every night of the last month in her quarters. So I'm gonna ask you again. What are your intentions with Rosalie?"

-"Are you asking so you know if the path is clear for you to make a move?" - Jealousy drips from every word.

-"What the hell are you talking about?" - Now Sheppard's the one confused.

-"I know you and Rosie have gotten really close. I also know that she is not interested in me, because she's in love with someone else. She told me that last part."

-"And you think that the person she's in love with is me? Lorne, she's like a little sister to me. It would be incredibly weird if she was in love with me. Not to mention that you're my best friend and I would never betray you like that."

-"I don't know what you're talking about."

-"Cut the crap, will you? Just admit to what everyone already knows. Well, almost everyone."

-"And that is?"

-"Do you really want me to say it?" - Lorne doesn't answer. - "Fine. You are in love with Rosalie and it seems that either you haven't realized it yet or you aren't willing to admit it to yourself, and by extension to Rosalie."

-"Have I been that obvious?" - Lorne lets out a sigh.

-"No, not really. But given how close the two of you are, it's pretty easy to assume you had fallen for her at some point. And if you add the 'friends with benefits' thing, then it's a no brainer."

-"I didn't intend to fall for her. By the time I realized it, it looked as if she was interested in you and vice-versa. I saw you hugging her in one of the balconies and it was at that moment that I realized she was more to me than just my best friend. I decided then that I wasn't going to say anything because if she wanted to be with you, I wasn't going to stand in the way of her happiness."

-"You need to tell her how you feel. You just might be surprised."

-"I can't risk it. I don't want to lose her as my best friend."

-"I don't think that that's something you need to worry about." - Sheppard's radio comes to life at that moment. - "Go for Sheppard."

Sheppard gets called away to Elizabeth's office, but before he leaves he tells Lorne that he needs to just tell Rosie how he feels and get it over with. He adds that walking around feeling and looking like a kicked puppy isn't good for him or anyone else, before leaving.

Evan stays in the room a little while longer, alone with his thoughts. He wonders if he can really tell Rosie how he feels and actually ending up to being a good thing. But then the negative side of his brain kicks in, telling him that she doesn't love him and he will always only be her friend.

Letting out an exasperated breath, Evan pushes off the wall he had leaned on when Sheppard left and leaves the room, still just as unsure as he was before his conversation with Sheppard.

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