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Pacing the corridor outside of the O.R., Evan prays to whoever might hear him that Rosie's injury isn't as bad as Sheppard had told him. He knows Beckett is the best doctor in two galaxies, but still he can't help the feeling of despair that sits deep in his chest.

He also knows that Beckett will do whatever he can to save Rosie. Ever since she has arrived at the city, she has become friends with the doctor. Maybe it was because he was the first person that didn't treat her like a threat when she arrived, but the doctor seemed to be the only other person that Rosie truly trusted, aside from Evan.

Footsteps approach him fast. He turns and sees Weir coming down the corridor, stopping near Sheppard.

-"What happened?" - The question is directed at Sheppard.

-"Rosalie must've gotten shot and didn't tell anyone. It was only after the Airman and the Marine that had were injured were taken away by the medical team that Rodney and Teyla realized something was wrong."

-"Didn't anyone notice it before you got here?"

-"No, not really. I mean, I saw her leaning back on the hull of the jumper and closing her eyes when I turned to check if everyone was inside, and thought it was weird she was falling asleep, but figured it was just because the adrenaline was wearing off. If we had known, we would've patched her up as best as we could before getting here."

-"Okay. What about the Genii?"

-"As soon as they realized we had jumpers, they fled and hid. My best guess was that they were going to wait for us to leave before leaving as well."

-"Very well. We'll deal with the Genii later. Right now, lets focus on Rosalie."

Sheppard nods and excuses himself to check on Evan, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, leaning against the wall near the doors to the O.R..

-"You okay?"

-"I will once she's out of surgery and Beckett tells me she'll be okay."

-"Rosie is a fighter and she's tough. She will be okay. You'll see."

-"I hope so."

Sheppard pats Lorne on the shoulder and walks back to where Elizabeth is still standing, watching the interaction between both men. From the moment she had seen Rosalie and Lorne together, she knew they were more than just best friends, even if they didn't know it themselves back then.

Elizabeth knew all about what the woman and Sheppard's Second in Command had been through together, and once she heard what Rosalie had been through alone and saw the reaction the Major had to it, it was only a matter of time before one, or both of them, realized their feelings for the other and hopefully take that first step towards being honest with each other about their feelings.

But now, it seemed as if fate had other plans for them, and she hopes and prays that they won't lose Rosalie. She is certain that if that happens, Lorne will never be the same. Elizabeth can see the pain the man already is in and she can't imagine what it will be like if the unthinkable happens.

For right now, all they can do is wait and hope that Rosalie's strength is enough to help her pull through.

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