Does It Still Hurt?

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After three long weeks, Rosalie is finally out of the infirmary and cleared for desk duty. If she's being honest, she doesn't mind being on desk duty. After the last few missions that she had gone on ended up in "fight for her life" situations, she was relishing the quiet of her lab.

She is sitting in her lab, translating a couple of texts related to the Ancient database per Elizabeth's request, when she starts thinking about Sheppard and his avoidness with her. Ever since she has left the infirmary, she has tried to have him tell her what he knows, but he keeps refusing. All he says is that he will tell her when the time is right, leaving her incredibly frustrated.

Footsteps approach her and when she looks up, she sees Evan walking into her lab, smiling at her. She can't stop but smile at him as well. He can always make her smile.

-"Hey Rosie."

-"Hey. What's up?"

-"Thought you could use a break and decided to see if you'd want to grab a bite."

-"That actually sounds awesome." - Rosalie stretches her arms above her head, making her shirt ride up and exposing part of her scar.

-"Does it still hurt?" - Evan saw the scar and it made his heart hurt to think that it might still be hurting her.

-"So long as I don't hit it with anything, at least for a few more days, all it does is give me some discomfort when I sleep on that side."

-"I'm sure the soreness will pass."

-"Even if it doesn't, I'm so used to being sore and aching from past injuries, that it doesn't really bother me that much."

-"You shouldn't be used to that, but I get what you're saying."

-"You really need to stop thinking about the past, Evan. If I didn't went through what I went through, I wouldn't be who I am today and we wouldn't be working together again."

-"You're right, I'm sorry. Let's go eat."

As they leave her lab, Rosalie asks him if he has any new missions coming up. Evan tells her he's going on one the following day, taking supplies to an ally. As always, she tells him to be careful, and is met by him smiling back at her and telling her that he will.

They get to the mess hall and grab some food, before sitting down and continue to talk. However, even though Rosalie is talking to him, her mind is still thinking about that mission he's going on. She doesn't know why, but from the moment he had said it that she has had a bad feeling about it.

Call her paranoid, but she has heard, been on and read too many mission reports to know that the missions that apparently are the quiest, are usually the ones where something bad happens. And the last thing that she wants is for Evan to get hurt.

It would be too much bad luck if that were to happen, specially after she just got injured herself three weeks prior. And they aren't that unlucky, are they?

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