It's Evan

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The following morning, Rosalie walks into the Mess Hall to grab some breakfast before heading to the infirmary. As she collects her food, she remembers the night before and thinks how stupid she was to think that praying was going to magically make Evan wake up.

She looks around for an empty table, but at that hour of the morning that isn't an easy feat to accomplish. Bumping into Ronon and Teyla, she smiles softly at them before Teyla asks her if she wants to join them. Rosalie agrees, since it's been a while she has spent time with either of them.

They take their seats at a recently vacated table and Teyla can tell that Rosalie isn't okay. She hopes that the linguist might open up to them.

-"How is Major Lorne?"

-"The same."

-"Is there anything we can do to help?"

-"Unless you can wake him up, no. Not really." - Rosalie sighs.

-"Of course."

-"You wanna spar, to clear your head?" - Ronon speaks up.

-"Thanks, but I don't really have the strength right now."

-"Right. I know what you mean."

-"Thanks anyway, the both of you."

Rosalie stands up and grabs her tray as she leaves. She knows her friends have their hearts in the right place but all she can worry about now is Evan and his condition. After clearing her tray and putting it away, she heads for the infirmary, as usual, to spend some time with Evan before she has to go to her lab and do some work.

She sees Beckett as soon as she enters the infirmary and greets him with a sad smile, something that has almost become her trademark. Every time she would smile to someone, her smile no longer was bright and full of light. Now, it was as if she is in a constant state of grief. She asks him how Evan is and gets the same answer as she has received for the last month. No changes.

Rosalie thanks the doctor and slips around the curtain that secludes Evan's bed from the rest of the infirmary. She greets him and kisses his forehead, before sitting on the stool and holds his hand, as always. She believes that the contact will help him find his way back to her and she hopes that she is right.

Telling him all about her breakfast and how much everyone is worried about him, as well as how the memorial service went in more detail, amongst other things, she spends the next couple of hours just talking to him.

Eventually, Rosalie looks at her watch and sees that it's time for her to head to her lab and try to get some work done. Kissing his cheek, she tells him she will drop by later, before squeezing his hand and leaving.

It's almost lunch time when she leaves the infirmary, so before going to her lab, she stops by the Mess hall to grab something to take with her for when she gets hungry. As she is leaving, she sees and hears Evan's team sitting on one of the tables, talking about him. She can only imagine what might be going through their heads when it comes to their team leader's condition.

The day crawls by at a snail's pace and soon it's time for her to call it a day. She worked all afternoon, translating texts from a couple different departments, as well as helping Dr. Zelenka with a couple of Ancient pieces of technology that needed to be initialized. All in all, it had been a productive day.

After checking on Evan, staying with him for a little while, and grabbing something quick to eat from the Mess Hall for her dinner, Rosalie heads for her quarters, eager to take a shower and just crash on her bed.

Rosalie takes a shower, eats the sandwich and apple she grabbed from Mess, and lays in her bed, hoping that the next morning comes fast and brings good news with it, the same thing she has hoped for every night since Evan has been injured.

It's the middle of the night and Rosalie is awaken by a pounding on her door. She rubs a hand down her face and yells out that she's coming, ready to beat the crap out of whoever is pounding at her door at three o'clock in the freaking morning.

She opens the door and sees a very disheveled Sheppard, panting as if he had just ran the length of the city. She has never seen him like that and it worries her. Asking him what happened, the only words that come out of his mouth have her running out the door.

"It's Evan.", he had said to her. Believing the worse has happened, Rosalie takes off in a sprint towards the infirmary. She knows Sheppard wouldn't bang on her door at that time of the night if everything was okay. Something must've happened and from the looks of him, it wasn't good.

Rosalie reaches the infirmary and sees Elizabeth standing there, clearly waiting for something. She calls out to her, asking what happened, and sees the woman turn to her, a small smile on her lips. That's when Beckett's voice reaches her, asking how something feels.

Rosalie swallows hard, and walks in the direction of Beckett's voice, still not fully believing what is happening. As she walks past Elizabeth, she sees that Beckett is talking to a now awake Evan, tears filling her eyes as she sees him.

Evan sees her and says a soft "Hey, Rosie". She is in shock as she walks slowly to his bed, Beckett moving aside to give her enough room so she can reach him. She walks up to him, examining him, trying to make sure he's okay.

Rosalie hears Beckett saying that Evan is going to be alright and that he will just need to stay there a couple more days to make sure everything's as it should be, and then he will be allowed to go to his quarters. Evan is looking back at the doctor, but Rosalie's eyes never leave him, just nodding at what Beckett just said.

Beckett smiles as he takes his leave to report to Elizabeth and Sheppard, wanting to give them a moment alone, as he closes the curtain around them. He knows how important this is for Rosalie and how long she has been waiting for it to happen.

Evan looks back at Rosalie and smiles at her, saying that he had told Sheppard not to wake her, since she needs her rest. But Rosalie doesn't let him say anything else. She launches herself at him, crying with relief that he really is awake, hugging him tight.

Evan chuckles and hugs her back, whispering in her ear that he's okay and that everything's going to be okay. He feels her nod against his shoulder but she doesn't let go. He can only imagine what it was like for her, watching him all this time on an infirmary bed, with no reaction.

Rosalie stands up after a few moments, wiping the tears from her face, still looking at him.

-"I want to know all about what you have been up to while I was taking my beauty rest." - He smiles at her, making her chuckle.

-"We have a lot to talk about, but not right now. You need to rest and so do I."

-"Alright. We'll have plenty of time." - He holds her hand and brings it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss there.

-"Get some rest and I'll be back in the morning."

Rosalie sees him nodding and closing his eyes, as she places a kiss on his cheek. She leaves the privacy that the curtain provides and sees Sheppard and Elizabeth waiting there.

-"Evan's resting."

-"Are you okay?" - The smile on Elizabeth's lips is a soft one.

-"Better now. A lot more relieved now that I know that he'll be okay."

-"Maybe now you can have a decent night's sleep." - Sheppard tells her.

-"That's exactly what I plan on doing." - She chuckles. -"By the way, thanks for coming to get me."

-"Elizabeth wanted to radio you, but I figured you wouldn't hear it."

-"You're not wrong. Thank you both, for everything."

Rosalie receives nods and smiles in return, before she leaves and returns to her quarters, a smile never leaving her lips. As she walks down the corridors, she can't help but thank whoever it was that heard her prayer.

Now, to focus on Evan's recovery.

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