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Waiting around the infirmary, Rosalie paces the room, passing Elizabeth and Sheppard and his team, all with concern written on their faces. They have been waiting for Beckett to give them an update on Evan for what felt like forever to Rosalie.

While they were waiting, Rosalie had heard Elizabeth radioing Captain Adams and give her the all clear to fly back to the Genii planet and blow the compound to pieces. She has to admit that she wishes she could be there to see it.

The wait for news on Evan was stretching on, but no one seemed eager to leave, not even McKay, who usually hates the infirmary. It brings a small smile to her face knowing just how many people care about him.

Beckett emerges from behind the curtains and walks over to them, his face riddled with concern. Rosalie's heart almost stops when she hears the doctor tell them that Evan is in really bad shape and that he isn't sure how long it will take for him to wake up or if he will wake up at all.

Rosalie closes her fists, her head pounding with rage and despair, and she wants to punch something to let that rage out. Taking a deep breath, she asks Beckett if she can see him, which the doctor tells her that she can.

Rosalie walks over to Evan's bed, stepping around the curtain and sits on the stool that seems to always be near their beds. Grabbing his hand in hers, she squeezes it, letting him know she is there, just like he had done to her not that long ago. Rosalie is bound to break at some point, but before she can do it, she softly asks him to stay with her.

The curtain is pulled back and Rosalie sees Sheppard standing there, watching his friend, and wishing they had gotten there sooner.

-"Are you okay?" - Sheppard turns to her.



-"Part of me doesn't want to leave him, but another part wants nothing more than to hunt down every single Genii and make them pay for what they have done, not just to Evan but to Chantria, to Bassel, to Ollie, and to everyone else they have ever hurt." - She lets out a breath. -"For now I'll do what I can do, and that is to stay here and be here for him, just like he did for me. But as soon as he is recovered, I'm asking Elizabeth some time off so I can hunt them all down."

-"Elizabeth will never agree to it and you know that neither will Lorne."

-"I DON'T CARE!!" - She explodes. -"They will pay for what they have done. All of it."

-"I get it. But right now you need to focus on Lorne. Revenge can wait." - He places a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her.

-"It's not revenge, it's justice." - She says before looking back at Evan.

Sheppard sees her sitting back down on the little stool, anger still very much present in her eyes. He decides to leave them, shaking his head. He knows that it will take some time before that anger fades away and all he can hope for is that, by the time Lorne is better, her desire to get revenge on the Genii has faded away as well.

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