I Promise

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Rosalie reaches the Gate Room at the same time their mystery guest walks through the gate. She gasps in shock. Standing in front of her is the last person she thought she would see.

The bright eyes of a young girl search her surroundings, looking for a familiar face. Fay, the little girl that saved Rosalie from bleeding to death, walks in a slow pace, scared of the people that she doesn't know, all armed with big guns.

Fay hears someone calling her name and soon feels herself being wrapped in a tight embrace. Looking up at the woman that is holding her, she lets out a sob, tears running down her cheeks and staining the woman's uniform. Rosie is there, she will make things right, she is safety.

Rosalie can't believe her eyes. Letting go of Fay, she looks the girl over, checking for obvious signs of injuries, but seeing none. She looks so scared, her clothes torned and frayed, it breaks Rosalie's heart seeing her like that and sends a wave of panic over her.

-"Fay, what happened? Where are your parents?" - Rosalie looks over Fay's shoulder, looking for someone that isn't there.

-"Some... men took them... when we were... coming home." - Her sobs are heartbreaking. Fay takes a deep breath before continuing. -"Mom told me to run, but I hid and saw the men take them through the Ring of the Ancients. Others went to the village. I remembered what you said, that if we ever needed help to come here, so I went back home to get this and came here." - Fay shows her the IDC that Rosalie had given them months ago, just in case something happened.

-"You did good, Fay. You're safe here, I promise."

Rosalie pulls Fay against her chest again and just lets the little girl cry. She can feel Elizabeth and Sheppard standing close by, but doesn't bother turning around and explaining, Fay already told them all they needed to know at the moment.

Pulling back, she turns to Elizabeth and hears the woman telling her to take Fay to the infirmary so Beckett can check her out and make sure she is okay. Rosalie gives her a thankful nod. She knows both Elizabeth and Sheppard might have a million questions for her, but right now all she can focus on is making sure that Fay is okay.

As Rosalie leads Fay to the infirmary, being accompanied by Elizabeth and Sheppard, her mind keeps spinning with questions. Who are the men that took Chantria and Bassel? Why were they taken? Where were they taken? So many questions and she doesn't have any answers. Maybe when Fay is calmer, she might be able to give Rosalie answers, although she doubts the little girl knows more than what she told them.

They make it to the infirmary and Beckett is already waiting for them. "Elizabeth must've told him we were coming.", she thinks and smiles at the good doctor, who introduces himself to Fay. Fay looks back at Rosalie, half hiding behind her, and Rosalie understands the fear that is written all over the little girl's face all to well. The fear of not knowing if she can trust the people around her, if they are going to hurt her in any way. It's the type of fear that Rosalie never wished on anyone, specially not on a sweet child such as Fay.

After making sure that Fay knows that Beckett is a friend and that he won't harm her in any way, Rosalie steps aside and joins Elizabeth and Sheppard, still in Fay's eyesight but far enough so that she can't hear their conversation.

-"Who's the girl, Rosalie?" - Sheppard asks, his voice low and worry coating it.

-"Her name is Fay. A couple of months before we met, I was badly injured. Usually, I was able to stitch myself up, but I had run out of supplies. I was on my way to the local village when I collapsed. Fay found me while she and her father were collecting wood, and they took me in so her mother could patch me up."

-"And how did she get an IDC?" - It was Elizabeth's turn to ask the questions, and despite the question in itself, she didn't sound angry.

-"I gave it to them when you told me I could give it to strategic allies. I know that they don't exactly qualify, but I owe them my life. I had to make sure that they would be able to reach me if they ever needed help. I gave it to them when we visited the planet to try and establish some sort of trading agreement." - Rosalie would never apologize for giving them an IDC, not if it can help save their lives. -"I wanna ask that you allow me to return to their planet and try and find out who took Fay's parents, as well as get some things for Fay from their home. Like I said, I owe them my life. If it hadn't been for them, I would've died that day. The least I can do is try and figure out where or why they were taken."

-"I agree that this needs investigating. If there are people out there kidnapping other people, we might need to know who they are and what their purpose is. Take Major Lorne and his team with you."

-"Thank you, Elizabeth."

Rosalie walks over to Fay, hearing Sheppard telling Evan over the earpiece to get his team and a jumper ready, and she wonders what she is going to find.

-"Hey little one. How you feeling?"


-"Fay, I'm gonna be away for a little bit, okay? I'm gonna try and find out what happened to your mom and dad, alright?" - Rosalie softly pulls the hair away from Fay's face.

-"I wanna come with you."

-"I'm sorry, Fay, but you can't. It's too dangerous and if anything happened to you, I'm pretty sure your mom and dad would kill me. But you can help by staying here and helping Beckett with his patients." - Rosalie looks back at Beckett and sees him nodding at her implied request. -"You are safe here, okay? They're my friends and they will take care of you and keep you safe until I get back."

-"Do you promise to find my mom and dad?"

-"I promise, little one. I'll find them and bring them back to you."



Kissing the top of Fay's head, Rosalie leaves the infirmary and heads straight to the armory. Grabbing her Staff weapon and gear, she meets up with Evan in the jumper bay, knowing that by now Sheppard has already got him up to speed on what's going on.

Sitting in the jumper, Rosalie keeps remembering the day that Chantria, Bassel and Fay saved her life. It's then that she vows to stop at nothing to find them and bring them back to Fay. After all they did for her, the least she can do is try and figure out where they were taken and by who, no matter what she has to do.

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