"But I'm scared, Sis!" sobbed a little girl.

"I can't run anymore!"

"We have no time for wimping out, kids! Stand up and move!" shouted the chef.

"Don't give up, everybody!" encouraged Nami.

Keep heading straight, everyone! R Building is close!" yelled the voice of Usopp through a transponder.

"We're almost there! You can make it!" spoke Nami, turning to gaze at the children.

"Luffy!" Yukiko called, and her boyfriend turned, a smile appearing on his face as he waved at you.

"Yukiko! You're here already with the others!"

"Oh, Brownbeard! Is it okay?" asked the navigator when she arrived on the scene, walking in the direction of the pirate unconscious on the floor.

"Nah. He isn't" Thankfully, Yukiko got Rubius to put him in the cart.

"The children!" exclaimed a younger voice that came from a small, pink dragon next to the ebony male.

"See, Momo? I told you!" chuckled Luffy.


With Nami's help to generate wind, they all made it outside away from the gas.

"We made it!!!" cheered the kids in unison with the G-5.

"Finally! I was getting tired of waiting!" waved the cyborg.

"AH!" exclaimed Luffy when he got a good look of Franky.

Stars replaced his eyes and he threw his arms in the air like the kids, the same happening to every guy except for Smoker and Law, and the whole female population. The General didn't hesitate to show his assets and impress the boys. The surgeon took a step forward, and narrowed his eyes at two people, Buffalo and Baby 5.

"Buffalo! Baby 5!" he shouted.

"Law! Are you really going to stand against Joker?!" the weapon girl yelled back.

"You traitor!" growled the fan man. "Joker is still saving the 'heart seat' for you!"

"Who are they? Are they your friends?" asked Luffy with a raised brow, kneeling on top of the edge of the mine cart.

"No. They are enemies!" Rebecca gritted her teeth.

Quickly, Baby 5 snatched Caesar unconscious form and jumped on top of Buffalo, the three of them flying away from the island.

"They took Caesar and ran!" shouted Usopp, before he took out his slingshot. "It's a sniper's work to take down a flying enemy!"

"Those bastards!" cursed Law, lifting his hand to use his Devil Fruit, but your captain stopped him.

"Don't worry. Usopp said he can handle it" smiled Luffy.

"Don't underestimate our sniper" added Zoro. "Even his nose is too long"

"THE LAST PART ISN'T NECESSARY!" barked the sniper.

"No way! If we let them get away, our plan is..." tried to argue the surgeon.

"You allied with us, didn't you? You saw what I did earlier. I need you to trust us a little bit" said Nami, stepping next to Usopp.

"Allied? What are you talking about?" the swordsman said, confused.

"I've been running around all this time so..." trailed Nami, licking her lips. "....I feel like attacking now! I'm not afraid of enemies who are far away and have no intention to fight!"

Pokemon Trainer of the StrawhatsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang