Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Sidharth entered the hospital room and saw Aarav sleeping and Sana sitting near Ayush and Ahaan who had also slept on the couch.

" What did the doctor say?", Sana asked him, but he ignored her and moved close to Aarav's bed.

He kissed his forehead and went outside to call his secretary.

After one hour, Ayush and Ahaan woke up.

" Dad", They mumbled, rubbing their eyes.

" I am here", Sidharth said and went near them.

" We got so scared seeing Aarav's blood", Ahaan said to his father.

" How did this happen?", Sidharth asked them.

" We were playing in the playground. We were running while Aarav was chasing us. Suddenly we heard his scream and when we turned around, we saw him on the floor crying due to pain", Ayush told his father with wet eyes, remembering the scene.

" It's okay. He is fine now. We will be going home in an hour", Sidharth said, caressing their heads.

Sidharth was talking with them when Sana entered the room with sandwiches in her hand which she had brought from the hospital canteen.

" Have some sandwiches. You both must be hungry ",Sana  said, passing the sandwich.

They look at their father, waiting for his permission before accepting the sandwiches from Sana.

For them, Tara may be their mother but she never cares about them so they have no emotional connection with her.

Sidharth nodded his head, asking them to have the sandwich. They took the sandwiches, mumbling a small thank you to Sana.

Sana  smiled at them before turning towards Sidharth.

He felt her gaze on him. He looked at her and said," We will be leaving for home within an hour."

" Okay", Sana replied.

After some time, They left the hospital and made their way towards Raghuvanshi Mansion.

Sana was also going back with Sidharth and the children.

They reached home within a few minutes. Sidharth picked Aarav in his arms and entered the house with three of them trailing behind him.

" Aarav", Sidharth's mother, Kavya, shouted seeing Aarav injured.

Sidharth puts Aarav on the couch comfortably.

Kavya rushed towards Aarav and looked at his wounds.

" What happened to him??", She asked Sidharth.

" He fell down while playing in the school", he informed her.

Hearing Kavya's voice, other members also gathered in the hall.

All of them were shocked to see Aarav like this.

After a few minutes, Sidharth took Aarav to his room and asked his mother to send soup to Aarav.

In the night, Sana was lying on the bed thinking about Aarav. She was worried about him. She decided to go and check on him once.

She left her room and went towards the children's room. She opened the door and saw them lying on their bed.

She kissed Ayush and Ahaan on their forehead before going towards Aarav.

She kissed his forehead and caressed his face slightly. She was sitting in the corner of the bed near Aarav.

She was about to get up when Aarav turned in his sleep and put his head in her lap.

She doesn't have the heart to disturb his sleep. She thought about staying here for some time before leaving for her room.

She was sitting beside him when she dozed off.

Sidharth came around 2:00 AM to check on the kids when he saw Sana sleeping while sitting.

He was a little shocked to see Sana  here. It's not like Aarav had not gotten injured before or fallen sick, but Tara never cared about her children before. And now suddenly her behaviour is disturbing him.

Sidharth is a shrewd businessman and it's not difficult for him to notice the differences in Tara's behaviour from day one.

Sidharth stayed in the room for a few minutes before leaving for his room.

After two hours, Sana woke up feeling pain in her back. She opened her eyes and saw herself sleeping in a sitting position, knowing the reason for her pain.

She noticed the time and decided to go back to her room. She made Aarav lay on the bed comfortably and slowly left their room.

Reaching her room, she slumped on the bed.

One week later,

Only three days are left for her fashion show. For Sana , it was her first time to go in front of so many people so she was feeling quite nervous.

Tara and Sana  are twin sisters but their personality is completely opposite.

Tara is confident and likes to be the centre of attention while Mira likes to live a normal life away from public attention and glamour.

Sana  got ready to go outside to meet with her sister Riya secretly. They are going to meet at a small cafe in the afternoon.

She reached the hall and saw Kabir's son Ronak playing with toys, and sitting on the couch.

She saw Ronak's Nanny busy talking on the phone, not keeping an eye on him.

No one was in the house except Sidharth's grandparents. It's difficult for them to handle Ronak without any help due to his mischievousness. So Aastha hired a nanny to take care of him in their absence.

Sana looked at him and noticed him falling from the couch. She rushed towards him and picked him up before he fell.

He started crying due to fear. He clutched Sana 's clothes in his small fist, holding her tightly.

" Shhhh…..I am here", Sana  said, soothing the child.

Sana was looking at the nanny with a dead gaze.

Hearing Ronak's crying, Sidharth's grandparents come to the hall from their room.

" What happened??", Sidharth's grandmother, Shweta, asked, seeing Ronak in Sana's arma, who was trying to soothe him.

" Can't you do your work properly?? We are paying you to take care of him and you are busy gossiping with your friends on call. What if he has fallen due to your negligence?", Sana asked, feeling angry.

Sidharth's  grandparents understand the whole situation.

" You can leave from here. Kabir will clear all your payments. No need to come again ", Dhruv, Sidharth's grandfather, said in his dominating voice.

" I am sorry Sir. Please give me a chance.", The Nanny tried to ask for another chance.

" Out!!", Shweta said, glaring at her.

Next chapter is already published on Pratilipi....

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