Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Should we try to ask for help from Tara Dii??", Riya asked Sana

"Let me think about it.", Sana said, lost in her thoughts.

Tara is none other than Sana's  twin sister who is five minutes older than her.

Until the age of 19, she was living with Sana and her siblings.

They both are poles apart. Sana is an  innocent girl who cares for everyone,who keeps relations and feelings over money while Tara is a little bit selfish. For Tara, no one is more important than money and herself.

One hand Sana believed in hard work, on the other side Tara wanted to get married in a rich family.

Sana works hard to feed her siblings while Tara is more interested in parties and making rich boyfriends.

Finally, at the age of 19, she left the house to become a model in the company of  one of her rich boyfriends, without saying anything to them.

Sana stays in touch with her to know her whereabouts, to know how she is doing and all. Afterall she is her sister. They have shared the same womb for nine months.

But Tara doesn't like to talk with Sana and their younger siblings. Tara likes to live her life freely, without any worry, without any burden.

After three years, when Sana was 22 years old, she received a call from Tara.

It was the first time that Tara was calling Sana herself. Mostly, Sana was the one who used to call Tara to know her whereabouts.

Tara has called Sana to tell her that she doesn't want to have any relationship with her and their siblings. It will be better if they never try to contact her in future.

Sana was heartbroken hearing her twin but she didn't argue with her and decided to never contact Tara.

One week later, Sana heard about her sister getting married to a famous Billionaire,named Sidharth Raghuvanshi.

In these years, Tara never tried to contact Sana or their siblings. Even Sana never contacted her after that phone call.

Next day,

Sana  went to her office as usual. She has decided to talk with her Boss about a loan for Manav's treatment.

She went to her boss's office. She knocks on the door before entering the cabin.

" Yes, Miss Kapoor?"Her boss asked her.

" Actually Sir!! My brother is sick. I need a loan of 50 lakhs for my brother's treatment.", Sana said nervously.

"I promise I will pay everything back", Sana said, sincerely.

"I am sorry, Miss Kapoor but we can't give this big loan to you. If needed we can provide 1-2 lakhs loan but not more than this", her boss said.

" Please Sir....", Sana requested, with wet eyes.

"I am sorry....", Her boss said, dismissing her.

Sana was walking on a road with tears in her eyes when it started raining.

She was getting drenched in the rain but she didn't care.

Only one thing was roaming in her mind. At this moment, nothing is more important for her than Manav's treatment.

Somehow she reached her house. She rented this house three years back. For three years, they have been living in his society. Everyone in the society is very helpful to them.

" Hello Sana!!How is Manav??", One of their neighbours, Radha,asked her.

" He is fine now", Sana replied to her, giving her a fake smile.

" If you need any help, don't hesitate, okay??", Sana's neighbour,Radha, said.

" Thank you, Radha ji", Sana replied.

" Take care", Radha, Sana's neighbour, said and went to her house.

Sana inserted the key and unlocked the main door.

" You are back", Sana's sister, Riya, said.

" Yes!! Where is Manav?", Sana asked,  tiredly.

"  He is sleeping. You should go and change your clothes before you catch a cold", Riya said to Sana, seeing her drenched in rain.

" Yes", Sana said and went to her room.

After changing her clothes, she went to the kitchen where Riya was warming the dinner.

" You both have??"Sana asked,when Riya served her dinner.

" Yes", Riya replied.

" Thanks", Sana said, after having her dinner.

She was about to move towards the kitchen to wash utensils when Riya stopped her.

" You must be tired, Dii. You are working day and night for us. You should take some rest and have a good sleep. Let me handle these small things", Riya said, giving her a small smile.

" It's okay. I am not tired. Let me do it. You go and study. Your exams are starting from tomorrow", Sana said and went to the kitchen, not giving Riya any chance to argue .

After washing the utensils, Sana went to her room and slumped on the bed.

Thinking about Manav treatment and how to arrange the money, she went into deep slumber.

For the next five days,

Sana went to different banks for a loan but they denied because she doesn't have anything to hold as security for the loan.

She had tried to ask for a loan from everyone who could have helped her. But in the end, she didn't succeed in arranging the money. She can't  put Manav's life in danger. At last, she decided to ask Tara for help.

Luckily Tara is still using her old number. She dialled the number and waited for someone to pick the call.

" Why did you call me?"Sana heard Tara's voice after six years.

Sana felt a little sad hearing her twin's rude voice.

" How are you??", Sana asked her.

" Come to the point…why did you call?? I have told you to never contact me then why??"Tara asked her rudely.

" I need your help. Manav is suffering from cancer. We need around 50 lakhs for his treatment. You know my financial condition….I can't afford this large amount of money…if you could help…", Sana said in one go.

" I have already told you at that time not to take their Guardianship. They will be only a burden to you but you didn't listen to me, now suffer yourself. I don't have time and money to waste on you or your siblings…", Tara said, making Sana shocked.

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