Chapter 28- Goodbye

Start from the beginning


Z: " Ya know Mom.. That's okay, all I ask is that you forgive me for what I'm about to do... But it only matters in a few seconds into the future, bye Mom. "

Zoey hangs up as she turns to an angle, not where Drew is, but where the bathroom is. She lifts up her arm, the one with the phone in it, and chucks it across the room, hitting the middle of a mirror. It's not that she had any talent of doing that or anything, it was just determination.

D: " Zoey?! What the hell?! "

Z: " It doesn't matter! You probably have 11 other ones in hell!! "

She runs over to the bathroom, pretending not to care about all the glass she's stepping on. The glass stabs through her feet, making blood drip and easy to slip on. It stings in her feet, many mini mirrors reflect on the ground.

Z: " Goddamn it... " She mumbles under her breath.

D: " Zoey.. What in actual f_ck are you doing?! "

Z: " Shut up... Shut up... SHUT UP!!! "

D: " What the f_ck?! Are you going insane?!!??!?! "

Z: " You ruined it all! "

D: " How did I do this?! You were the one to record Jake saying all that crap! Now we're here. All because of you! "

Z: " No... No no no.. This is all... Daisys fault! "

She picks up a shard of the mirror. Inspecting it. It was a medium size, but not the biggest piece.

D: " What are you doing now? "

Zoey turns to Drew.

Z: " Something I will regret... "

She pauses.

Z: " But I should've done a long time ago. "

She then inspects the glass shard one last time, before throwing it at Drew. It hits him in his inner right arm.


Drew yelps out in pain. He tries to take the glass out, but it's dug into his skin, and was way too painful.


He looks at the blood, spilling out of his arm, as the glass pierces his skin.

Z: " Shut up!! "

She throws another at him, this one bigger than the one before, it lands, scraping through the inside left side of his chest. He yells out, pained.

D: " WHAT- " cough cough " IS YOUR PROBLEM-!? "

Z: " Everything! You! Jake! Daisy! "

D: " What- " cough " about her?! "

Z: " She.. She made Jake go into the music club! You agree! This is Daisys fault! "

Drew looks at Zoey with a light headed and a serious face. He shakes his head. No. He doesn't think it's Daisys fault. At all.

D: " No..- "

He looks down at his chest, his arm. He notices the blood loss and his vision starts to drain out of his consciousness.

D: " Zoey... You're a.. monster.. " cough cough.

Drew looks at her, in his blurry vision. He see's what isn't Zoey, but a monster. Where's the gold-digging girlfriend he knew just a few weeks ago? Or was she always like this?

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