"Noir?" Y/n asked.

"Yes, he was so invested in making sure you end with Jungkook that he k'lled Namjoon. He even caused the miscarriages. He is quite like his father." Taehyung said.


Y/n arrived home, she wanted to have a rest.

But as she stepped inside, her heart sank. Her belongings were nowhere to be seen.

"Your things have been moved, you are not staying in my Namjoon's room." Her mother in law said. Y/n honestly didn't mind it.

"Do you want to hold your granddaughter? You know I can already see Namjoon's dimples, it will remind you of her." Y/n trying to change a topic.

She kept a stone face. "No, I had lost hope. But you ruined it by giving birth to a daughter. I don't want to see you or her. You both are bad luck."

She said and left. Y/n tried to shrug it off, the maid helped Y/n and brought her to her new room.

Y/n followed her to a small, neglected room in the far corner of the house.

The walls were peeling, and the furniture was worn and tattered. This room was used for storage. But now it was given to her.

Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of isolation and abandonment.


"Is it true that you caused Namjoon's death?" I asked noir

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"Is it true that you caused Namjoon's death?" I asked noir.

"No," Noir replied, his voice low and weighted with sorrow. "I didn't directly cause it. I merely changed the course of fate, and that's what led to the tragic outcome."

"The outcome you knew would happen right?" I questioned.

"Eomma, it was meant to happen, he was not supposed to even exist in this book." He replied.

"As if my life is any matter without him, it has gotten worse for me and now for my daughter too. Worse for her because she wasn't even welcomed." I said, I thought maybe my mother in law actually cared.

But she didn't, she showed her reality, and now was treating me worse than ever and calling me all types of things. If Namjoon was here, at least our daughter would have been treated in a better way.

"I am here for Min-joon. I am her brother." Noir said.

"You've caused me more harm than good," I whispered, my voice breaking. "Please, just leave."

"I am trying." Noir gaze softened.

"Stop trying, things will go better if you just stop trying, I was happy with Jeongguk. My life was easier, you ruined it and now just leave." I said.

He nodded silently. "Sorry,"

Her mother-in-law's constant mistreatment had left her emotionally exhausted

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Her mother-in-law's constant mistreatment had left her emotionally exhausted. She was left in the corner. She wasn't told that Jungkook was coming but she heard the news from the maids.

As she dressed Minjoon, her three-year-old, the little one's innocent question pierced through her thoughts, "Who's coming, Mommy?"

It has been only her and Y/n for four years. They had each other. Also Noir Y/n told him to not help her but she is glad he comes to cheer her.

Y/n smiled weakly, "It's your uncle Jungkook, sweetheart." Her eyes brightened at the thought of Jungkook's return, remembering the promise he made to always be there for her and Minyoon.

She saw Jungkook, his mother hugged her but his eyes were trying to find someone and it was Y/n he looked at her. But he didn't give her any smile.

Her excitement turned to confusion and hurt when she saw Jungkook, different behavior and a girl with him.

"Hana, my dear, I am so hope you are here. I can't wait for to become part of this family." Mrs. Jeon said. What does mean?

Jungkook came closer to Y/n, but took Minjoon in his arms. His face softened. "She is adorable."

Y/n struggled to maintain her composure, her eyes avoiding his.

"I'm glad you're back," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. Jungkook did looked at Y/n and was just looking at Minjoon.

"Aww, she is adorable." The girl with Jungkook looked at Y/n. "Hi, I'm Hana. It's so nice to finally meet you and Minyoon," she said with a warm smile.

Y/n was still confused. "Are you his friend?" She asked.

Hana chuckled and hold Jungkook's arm. "No, I am his fiance."

"Fiance? Jungkook you didn't inform me." Y/n said, Jungkook still had a cold expression and was not saying anything.

"What? How could no one tell you?" Hana asked surprised. Well no one talks to Y/n, she was forgotten.

"Hana dear, you must be tired. You should rest, and Jungkook you should. Fresh up, I will get the maids to serve lunch." Mrs. Jeon said.

Jungkook put Minjoon down. "We will play later okay? I bought a lot of gifts for you."

"Really?" Minjoon asked. Jungkook nodded his head and patted her head before leaving. Hana left too.

Mrs. Jeon looked at Y/n. "Why did you step out of your room? Leave now bring her too."

Y/n wondering what happened to Jungkook he was not even looking at her eyes. She just hope that he hasn't changed.

I know it is quite typical and cliche, but I was craving to write 1900's forbidden love like this. We do have other part of 2023 storyline which will be a chaos, actually....

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