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"Did she really have to go this far to stop them?" Uryū asked as he stood with the group. 

"I can see why she has to move around a lot." Chad spoke at the moment. 

Orihime listened to them speak. "It must be hard having to find a place to keep moving around." She spoke.

Miyu listened to them as she glanced back at the house. Seeing that it was a bit of a mess after the Hadō spell used. Quietly letting her hair down as she huffed a bit. "I am so getting back at those two for this." She spoke. Running a hand through her hair.

Uryū noticed as he turned away to hide the pink of his cheeks.


Back inside the now ruined home the group sat down before Kūkaku like they had earlier before they had been evacuated.

"I can't believe this." Kūkaku spoke up as she had been berating the two of them for what they had done. "Fighting the moment you lay your eyes on one another?! Seriously?! And you broke my pipe! Ruining my house!"

"But-." Ganju spoke up as he was soon striked down by his sister who wasn't taking any of his protests.

Kūkaku glanced up at the small group. "Any complaints on your end?" She asked.

Uryū, Orihime, and Chad shaking their heads right away. Being focused and knowing that they didn't want to be on her bad side. 

Miyu listened as she glanced at them. A bit unfazed by what happened. "I will keep Ichigo away from Ganju during our stay." She spoke. "I knew they would be doing this." She mumbled at the end.

Kūkaku listened before turning away from them and glancing right at Ichigo who was on the floor. Walking over as she grabbed the back of his head. "You can get out if you do not like the way that I run things around here."

"Sorry." Ichigo apologized as he knew that she was a key into getting into the soul society and didn't want to anger her anymore. Losing her help would be losing a fight they hadn't started.

Letting go of Ichigo as she acknowledged his apology as his understanding for her rules in her home. "All of you. Stand up." She spoke as she walked to the door. Having Koganehiko start preparations with Shiroganehiko. Turning to face the others once more. "Be quiet and follow me."

Miyu listened as she glanced around before doing so as she followed after her. Following her down a well-lit corridor. 

"How is it possible to have so much lit down here? I didn't see any generators outside of the house." Uryū spoke up at the moment. 

"I keep Hotarukazura in the ceiling and behind both sides of the wood paneling." Kūkaku explained. 

"Is that some kind of plant that only exists in the soul society?" Uryū asked.

Kūkaku listened, not answering his question. "We're here." She spoke. Glancing at her brother before making him open the door for them. 

Uryū was confused by what was behind the door and was still curious. Wanting her to answer his questions before feeling a hand over his mouth. 

Ichigo covered his mouth. "Do not defy her." He spoke. "You saw how she was earlier."

Ganju opens the door that his sister stood before. Quietly glancing at her before stepping aside. Revealing the base of the smokestack they had seen at the back of the home. 

"Woah.." Orihime spoke up lightly. Amazed by the size of the smokestack. 

Kūkaku smirked a bit. "This will be your way into the Seireitei. I'm going to launch you guys into the sky and you'll take it from there." She spoke.

"What?!" Ichigo and Uryū spoke at the same time. Being shocked by what she was saying to them.

"Sounds like fun." Miyu spoke as she glanced at the smokestack. 

Kūkaku's smirk grew a bit. "I am Kūkaku Shiba and I'm known as the best fireworks technician in the Rukongai." She spoke up.

Miyu listened to her as she smiled a bit. "Well then, you seem to know what you're doing. I'll place my life on the line for this plan."

Ichigo listened as he walked over to her. Covering her mouth and picking her up. "Excuse us for a moment." He spoke before rushing off with his girlfriend.

Miyu squirmed in his hold as she lightly held onto him before seeing them come to a stop down the hall in a more secluded area.

"What are you saying in there? This is a dangerous plan." Ichigo spoke as he set her down gently. 

"I am having a little hope Yoruichi found someone who can really help us. It's either her or we lose Rukia." Miyu spoke as she glanced at him. "I know that you don't even think about the answer but I already know you would choose to save Rukia." 

Ichigo listened as he placed his forehead to hers gently. "I just hate seeing you hurt and if this plan backfires then my fear will be truly happening."

Miyu placed a hand on his cheek. "Ichigo. Nothing is going to happen to me. I may still be a bit upset with you but you are important to me. I won't be taken down so easily."

"Promise?" Ichigo asked.

"I should be asking you that and making you keep your word." Miyu teased.

"You have to answer." Ichigo replied.

"Fine. I promise." Migu answered his question. 

"I'm not convinced." Ichigo spoke up.

"Not convinced? And what would you say would make you change your mind?" Miyu asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe a kiss from my lovely girlfriend." Ichigo spoke. His forehead was still on hers as he closed his eyes.

"Nice try Red Jay but your little tricks aren't going to be working on me." Miyu chuckled lightly.

"Just one kiss. That's all I'm asking for." Ichigo spoke as he held her hands.

Miyu listened as she thought about it first. Glancing around to make sure they were really alone. Making her hands softly pat his cheeks once she glanced back at him before closing her eyes as she gave him a small kiss.

Ichigo was happy with the kiss from her. Placing his arms around her waist and kissing her back. Running a hand through her hair gently.

Miyu pulled away from the kiss a bit only to be pulled back into it by him. Not minding it as it had been a while since they had been able to do so. She hated admitting she had missed it as she kissed him back deeply.

Ichigo kept a hand on the back of her head being gentle with her. His other hand sliding down to her waist and resting there. He had missed her and their moments together. Their time apart and not being able to speak with her was like torment to him. Something he couldn't go through again.

His kiss was his way of saying he regretted his actions. That he had time to reflect on what had happened to them. Pulling away a bit as he rested his forehead on hers once more. "Do not leave my side." He whispered. 

"I will not leave." Yuki whispered back. Patting his cheek lightly. "They'll have to take us down to separate us." She added lightly. 

Ichigo listened as he smiled softly at the moment. Nodding at her words. "They're really going to have to try then." He spoke at the moment. "Because I'm not going to let them separate us." He promised. 

"We'll see, lover boy." She teased as she pecked his cheek and pulled away from him. "Let's go back before they come looking for us."

After their small hall moment with one another and making promises to keep they headed back to the rest of the group. Being stuck to one another like glue.

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