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Ichigo rubbed the spot where he had ended up receiving the hit, the back of his head. "What the hell was that for?!" He asked out loud as he turned to face Rukia once more.

"That's what you get. You don't have to say anything for me to know that you are judging my drawings yet again." Rukia spoke up. "You should be thankful that I don't hit you again for that."

"You jerk." Ichigo grumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck at the moment. Still feeling a bit of the sting that the hit had left behind and turning away from her once more.

"Anyways there's another thing about this jibakurei. It seems that his heart is set on this hospital. It's being held here. He seems to want to stay here." Rukia spoke.

Miyu listened to the two of them before glancing back at the man yelling.

"This is my hospital! Mine! No one else can have this but me! I will be rich! Rich enough to one day owe my own pink cadillac car!"

"He sure is very greedy for someone who is dead." Miyu mumbled as she glanced away from him.

"How can he be so greedy?" Ichigo spoke in disappointment and disgust at how greedy the guy seemed to be just by his yelling.

Miyu was just as curious as she shrugged and tried not to think about it to much.

A crewmember soon walked to the front. "Alright everyone! We are coming back from a commercial break." They spoke up as the lights they placed down earlier had changed color.

The sudden change and the crewmember mentioning that they were back from the commercial break made Rukia intruiged on the things going on around her. She was still unsure of what the purpose was for the whole situation. It was something she hadn't heard of or seen before.

Ichigo seemed to notice how interested Rukia seemed about the whole thing. All he could feel was disappointment to have to spend his time having to be surrounded by the fans of the medium. He really didn't want to be there at all.

Miyu listened to the crewmembers before glancing at her boyfriend as she laid her head on his shoulder a bit to make sure that he was doing alright so far. "How are you holding up?" She asked quietly.

"I'll try to be fine. Don't worry about it." Ichigo spoke as he placed his arm around her shoulders a bit. She made it tolerable after all.

"The spirits are forever with us!" Don Kanonji spoke up from the front as he crossed his arms before his chest and let out his familiar laugh like usual.

Rukia watched the crowd joining in to the pose as she did the same thing as the others had done. She was still getting used to the whole thing but she was using it as a time to let loose and relax in the moment.

Ichigo huffed as he only became angered that Rukia was participating and joining into the pose antics with the others. "Is this okay?! Shouldn't we be doing something about that thing?" He spoke.

"Relax, will you?" Rukia spoke at the moment before turning to the two. "It usually takes a few months before the jibakurei can even become a hollow."

The announcer of the event speaking up. "It is now the time we have all been waiting for. The moment that Don Kanonji will perform a purification of the spirit that lies within the walls of the hospital."

"If it makes you feel better, we can perform a konsō after this. There are too many people around here right now for us to do anything at all. We just need to be patient." Rukia spoke.

Ichigo listened as he was unsure about the whole thing. Staying silent for a while.

"I think she's right Ichigo. We can get things over with when there's no one around. It avoids anyone getting dragged into a mess caused by that guy if he does become more aggressive." Miyu spoke up as she rubbed his hand.

Rukia nodded in agreement. "Right. Besides a soul that will turn into a hollow let's out a frightening scream of pain. Does that guy look like he's in pain?"

"No.. I guess you're right." He mumbled and stayed with the two for now. Glancing back at the jibakurei and sighed. Giving into the moment. "He doesn't seem to be in pain." He spoke.

"Good. That guy has at least around another half a year before he could turn into a full hollow." Rukia reassured him as it seemed to calm him down a bit and relax.

Miyu listened to them still feeling a bad feeling before glancing back as she gasped when Don Kanonji stabbed his staff, the super spirits stick as he called it, into the hole of the jibakurei's chest.

"I promise to let you cross over in peace!" Don Kanonji spoke up more as he jabbed his staff into the whole more than he already had it in there.

Miyu didn't listen to the announcer speaking as she rushed past the crowd. "Hey! Stop that!" She spoke up. Rushing closer to the barrier between them keeping the crowd back.

Rukia and Ichigo shocked at the sight as Ichigo ran after his girlfriend to stop the guy from continuing what he was doing.

"You fool! You're just worsening the situation!" Rukia yelled at Don Kanonji about the consequences his actions were going to have. Running after the two.

Miyu struggled against the security who managed to grab her and Ichigo from getting any closer to the crew and Don Kanonji.

"Ichigo! Miyu! Come over here!" Rukia spoke up as she had put her glove on in an attempt to help them get out of their body to get them into their soul reaper form before she, herself, was tackled down by the security.

The scream that was leaving the jibakurei was getting unnerving and uncomfortable to listen to as Miyu squirmed to get free at the moment and tried to think of something until she was soon out and in her soul reaper form. Watching as Urahara got Ichigo out of his body next.

Ichigo rubbed his head before glancing up to see who had managed to help them out and into their soul reaper forms. "Hat and clogs?" He spoke up subconsciously.

"Hey there you two. Seems like we got here just in time to get you two out of a very sticky situation." Urahara spoke as he held his cane normally once more.

"Why are you here?" Rukia asked after the two had left and Tessai got Ichigo and Miyu's bodies from the confused security officers.

"I saw someone I promised to keep safe in need of help. I figured it was time to step in and get something done." Urahara spoke as he made sure the security didn't try anything.

Rukia was confused on who he was talking about. Trying not to dwell on the what he had said.

Miyu nodded before she got to the jibakurei and Don Kanonji before standing before the two as she shoved the jibakurei back.

Ichigo rushing over before pushing the male away from the jibakurei and his girlfriend. Hearing the announcer tell the crowd what had just happened.

Don Kanonji groaned before getting back up after being sent flying back by Ichigo and noticed the two. "What are you two doing?" He demanded.

"You can see us- wait no. What are you doing?!" Miyu asked. "You have no idea what you are causing and these people can end up getting hurt because of you." She huffed.

"Of course I can see you two. I am the charismatic medium Don Kanonji. You two must be dead fans of mine."

Ichigo and Miyu scoffed at the same time and glanced at him.

"As if." Ichigo spoke.

"We are not a fan of yours and we are not dead. You're going to end up making a monster if you keep this up." Miyu spoke to the man before them as they hated that things had gotten so bad in a matter of seconds. She knew that they had to do something and act quick about it. To avoid anything being destroyed and anyone else in the crowd being hurt if the spirit got out of control. Knowing it wouldn't be long enough for that to happen.

𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹 || 𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang