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Miyu reached up before rubbing her eyes as she was still in disbelief.

"You're not seeing things." The red haired spoke up. "My name is Yume."

"The name's Kaji." The next one spoke up as he moved closer. His hair was light green as she noticed his white wings.

"I'm Ema and this is Daichi next to me. Next to him is Mio." The blue haired one spoke up. 

"You can call me Haru." The dark navy haired one chimed in.

Miyu listened as she didn't know what to say at first. "I um.."

"You're Miyu and we are your power. We can be your shields and attacks. We can even heal you or your friends. We reside within your hairpins. You also have the ability to use us with your zanpakuto or alone." Mio explained as she stayed close.

"We're here to help out. Seems like you and your friends will be needing it." Kaji spoke.

Miyu listened as she was still shocked. "What do you guys do?" She questioned. "I need to get back to getting rid of the hollows." She spoke.

"Say my name." Kaji spoke up.

"Why?" Miyu asked.

"Fire is my specialty." Kaji spoke. "You can say my name and you will be able to have fire in your control."

"Does fire really work on hollows?" Miyu questioned.

"We're not ordinary elemental beings. Our purpose was created with the intention of being able to eliminate hollows and your enemies." Ema explained. "To keep you safe."

Miyu listened as she stood up a bit. Seeing her wounds were not there anymore. Getting up as she touched the shield and seeing it disappear before seeing more hollows. Holding her hand out. "Kaji!" She spoke up a bit hesitant.

Seeing nothing happen. "You have to mean it." Kaji informed.

Miyu nodded as she tried again with no hesitation this time. A strong wind blowing her hair back. Seeing as a small fire going around in a swirl on one arm as it didn't burn her or her soul reaper clothes. The blade of her zanpakuto had the same swirl around it. Making sure she aimed for a hollow and speaking up. "Kanji! I reject!" She watched as a horizontal line of hollows got taken out. Shocked as she watched Hinote return to his original form.

"Woah! You got the hang of it already." Daichi spoke as he clapped. "We're surprised but I knew you could do it."

"Thanks.. I guess.. I need to tell Mr. Urahara about this. I am not used to having fairies floating around me like this and I feel like no one will believe me on this. I feel like this is all just one big dream.." She spoke.

Her eyes focusing on the black hole in the sky. Picking up her zanpakuto as she let out a small breath. "But... First things first... We need to get going." She jumped off the roof and ran through the air to her next destination.


Things had been getting odd as Orihime and Chad discovered they had abilities they hadn't known about. Being found by Kisuke and collecting their unconscious selves. Taking them back with him to his store. He knew that he would have to let them in on what was going on now that they had their own power.

Having to explain to two of the teens what was going on was going to be a bit harder. Deciding that he would explain things to them before showing them what they would be getting themselves into having these new abilities of theirs.

Miyu huffed as she was getting hollows after hollows. Focusing on the mission of getting each hollow she came across. Mainly using her zanpakuto before using her kage no hono, her form of shun shun rikka, against the hollows to get more of them killed.

Ichigo was finding it hard to keep up. Promising to make Uryū cry for the many hollow had had summoned upon them.

Uryū noticed his bleeding hand. Ignoring it for now. Taking notice of how he wasn't able to shoot the hollows just once to end it like before. Having to use three arrows for only one hollow.

Miyu used her zanpakuto as she sliced at the hollows. Getting a few more and got herself together. Making her way to where she knew the black opening in the sky was.

Rukia was trying her best to help get the hollow situation under control. Trying to use her kido only for it to backfire. Feeling like she was stuck until she saw a familiar set of ginger hair running to help her.

Confusing him for Ichigo as she was about to thank him before realizing it was Kon after he tried to hug her. Kicking him away from her. "Not a chance Kon." She scoffed.

Kon listened before glancing behind her. Seeing that the guy from earlier was there.

Rukia noticed as she glanced at who he was glancing at before seeing Uryū. "You." She spoke up. "This is all your doing, isn't it?" She questioned him.

"It is. This is a battle between me and Ichigo. To prove who is better at keeping people safe from hollows." Uryū spoke at the moment.

"Ichigo would never let anyone in this town die." Rukia spoke as she warned him.

Uryū stayed silent before seeing a hollow going for the three of them. The hollow being larger than the rest of the ones they had seen so far.

Ichigo managed to cut right through it before landing behind Uryū. "Finally found you." He spoke up.

"So you did agree to this." Rukia spoke as she huffed. "What an idiot. You two alone can't handle the amount of hollows coming into town." She spoke up.

"Kaneko decided to participate as well." Uryū spoke up. Glancing around a bit. "I haven't seen her since the duel started though." He added.

Ichigo glanced around as he noticed before feeling guilty. Remembering what he had said. It was their first fight as a couple and he felt like he was going to lose her.

Rukia noticed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Idiot." She spoke up. "We need to deal with these hollows and get them to leave before they hurt innocent people."

"I'll deal with that in a bit but first I need to beat this guy up." Ichigo spoke as he raised his zanpakuto a bit. Seeing a hollow. Running to get to it first.

Uryū was taken by surprise as he accidentally fired an arrow. Watching it go for Ichigo instead of the hollow.

Ichigo took notice as he slashed the arrow before it could even touch him. Finishing the hollow off before turning back to them. "Forget about the hollow killing and fight me one-on-one." He spoke up.

Uryū ignored him as he stared at the sky in shock. Watching as the hollows moved towards the crack in the sky which had expanded by now.

"Not now Ichigo! Look up!" Kon spoke up as he pointed to what they were looking at.

Ichigo glanced over as he was shocked like them. He had never seen anything like it before. Wondering what they were going towards.

Uryū took the chance as he raised his bow. Ready to shoot the hollows up in air close to the crack. Just as he was about to release his arrow he noticed them disappear and already being taken care off.

Miyu used her new abilities to get used to them and get a hang of how she needed to use them. She took out the hollows she could. Slashing them with her zanpakuto and using Kaji's power as she took out row after row of them in one blow.

Ichigo noticed before letting out a small breath of relief to she that she was safe so far. Turning back to see Uryū running up a flight of stairs.

"Hey! Where are you going? There's too many hollows." He spoke up.

"I can handle it. Are you scared? If you're scared then you can stand there and watch." Uryū spoke. "I am the winner of this duel as it is." Reaching the top of the stairs as he aimed and shot at the hollows. Calling himself the last Quincy and how he would handle them.

Rukia was surprised by her friend having new abilities as she noticed a confused Ichigo before she crossed her arms to begin speaking. Explaining to Ichigo the backstory of the quincy people. Making sure that she didn't leave anything out. She could understand why Uryū was the way he was. At least she was hoping she knew.

𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹 || 𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें