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Chad watched his best friend. He knew Urahara had mentioned Ichigo's low control over his power. Knowing he now had more experience and would be powerful once he had control of the power he had.

"Are you done now? I believe it's my turn." Ichigo spoke. 

Sumiko watched as she crossed her arms a bit. Standing on the side as she watched the ginger take on the giant

"Not yet!" Jidanbō spoke nervously. Pulling out the second axe he had been hiding in his shihakushō. Breaking the armour around his upper arm.

Ichigo watched him calmly from his spot. "Sorry but I need to break your axes." He spoke. Swinging Zangetsu as he broke the axes. 

The remaining barrier collapsing as Orihime used her own shield to keep them from harm's way. Watching the giant was sent back against the gate. 

Sumiko walked over as she crossed her arms a bit. "See? I told you you could do it."

Ichigo irked as he turned to her. "You left me alone."

"And you managed yourself just fine." Sumiko shrugged. 

"I'm not done. I just slipped." Jidanbō got up. Raising his axes to bring them down on him again. Finding that they were no longer there as he began to cry.

"See what you did? Apologize to him."

"What? No way." Ichigo mumbled.

"Apologize to him." Sumiko spoke as she held his jaw. "Please?" 

Ichigo turned red as he huffed. Turning away and glancing at Jidanbō. "Sorry about breaking your axes." He mumbled.

Jidanbō sniffed as he held the teens shoulders. "You have such a kind heart. I shouldn't be crying over these axes. I have lost fair and square."

"Does this mean you'll let us through?" Uryū asked the recovered Jidanbō. 

"Yes. I have been defeated by your leader and you shall be allowed to pass."

"What?! Ichigo isn't the leader!" Uryū exclaimed.

"Aw what a cute name." Jidanbō spoke about Ichigo.

Sumiko chuckled as she joined Jidanbō and teased Ichigo's name. 

"Stop it. My name isn't cute! It means one and protect!" Ichigo argued.

"Ignore him. He's a little strawberry." Sumiko spoke as she made small talk with Jidanbō. Chatting until he made them move back so he could open the gate for them.

Ichigo stood beside her as he waited. "Did you really have to leave me like that?" He asked.

"Yes. I think it was funny and I know you can handle yourself. I felt like sitting out of things." 

"I wanted to fight with you by my side." 

Sumiko listened as she glanced at him. "Shame. Maybe one day we might but for now I have some things to do." She spoke. 

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Sumiko didn't reply. Simply walking over to the scared Jidanbō who managed to hold the door open for them seeing a guy on the other end with a weird smile. Gripping her zanpakuto as she stepped forward a bit. She wanted to make sure that her savior got her name remembered. To tell them the truth about what happened that night months ago.

Gin Ichimaru, the soul reaper standing before them kept his smile and eyes closed. "My my.." He spoke up. Noticing how familiar she looked to him.

"Who the hell is that?" Ichigo asked. 

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ➤ 𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐨 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ