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Miyu arrived home that evening as she rushed to her room before plopping onto her bed face first. Remembering how close she had been to the orange haired teen and him holding her.

The image of remembering it all over again caused her face to heat up. She knew her feelings for him would spill out eventually but she didn't want to tell him. At least not yet.

Holding her pillow close as she shifted onto her side and placed her chin on the soft pillow. Glancing at the wall before hearing her phone go off. Sitting up quietly as she grabbed it. The familiar message popping up on the screen as she got off her bed.

Changing out of her uniform and into something more comfortable before leaving her room.

"Heading out again?" Orihime spoke up in her happy mood like always.

"Yeah. I got a work call but I promise I'll be back before dinner." Miyu spoke.

"Great! I have the greatest dinner plan for tonight and you can make dessert again." Orihime beamed.

Miyu laughed lightly at her sister before nodding. "Alright. I'll stop by the store on the way back to buy what I need to make your favorite." She spoke.

Orihime beamed as she fist bumped the air happily. "Take care then!" She spoke as she headed to her own room to change.

Miyu smiled before leaving their place and shutting the door behind her quietly. She hated lying to her sister but technically it would count as a work call.


Ichigo, on the other hand, was in his room and laying in his bed. Glancing at the cieling in a daze. His cheeks having a slight blush on his cheeks.

That was his first time being so close to the Inoue teen he had known since they were kids. The most they had ever done was hold hands and walk side by side. Maybe even her throwing him over her shoulder as kids.

Too dazed to even hear his sister calling him down to dinner as he jumped when he noticed Yuzu glancing down at him.

"What was that for?!" Ichigo exclaimed at the sudden shock.

"I've been calling you down to come to dinner and you haven't. So I came to check on you and you were lost in thought. Is everything okay?" Yuzu asked in a concerned tone.

Ichigo calmed down a bit hearing her. "It's nothing." He spoke lightly.

"Hmm... maybe you still feel unwell from earlier today." She spoke.

"Hey. Quit worrying. I'm doing a lot better. Come on. Let's go eat before your food gets cold." He got off his bed rubbing the back of his neck and heading downstairs with his younger sister.

Yuzu followed after her older brother at the moment. "So what were you thinking about? You were deep in thought so it must've been something important right?" She asked curiously as they joined the others for dinner.

"Probably a girl." Karin spoke up from her spot at the table.

Ichigo blushed embarrassed. "It was not."

"Oh yeah? Then why are you blushing?" She asked.

"Nevermind!" Ichigo spoke up as he took his seat and ate the food that had been made.


Miyu walked down the street as she decided to make a quick stop at the Kurosaki home and check in on how Ichigo was doing. Knowing it would probably make her a bit late if she took too long but she didn't mind and hoped he would understand.

𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹 || 𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora