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In another room at the store, Ichigo had woken up. Feeling no pain and a great warmth. Feeling groggy as he assumed that he had died that night. Opening his eyes a bit more as he immediately yelled. Seeing Tessai was the one providing him warmth. 

"You have quite the quick reaction." Tessai spoke. "Boss! He's awake." He called out. 

Ichigo squirmed at an attempt to push him off him. Recognizing who he was before kicking him off him. Glancing around as he noticed he wasn't dead or at home.

Urahara walked into the room with his fan like usual. "That's enough Tessai." He spoke. "As for you, Ichigo, you shouldn't be moving around or you will open your wounds." He spoke.

Ichigo listened as he stayed sitting up. Glancing at the bandaged wounds. "What about Uryū?" He asked.

"Sumiko managed to healed him and he decided to take her home after he was feeling better." Urahara spoke.

"He did?" Ichigo asked. Remembering what he had spoken to her. 

"Mhm. He told me that I had to help you. Letting you die wasn't an option as much as I thought about it. You might be one of the two who can save Rukia." Kisuke spoke.

Ichigo listened before giving a small scoff. Knowing Kisuke was upset with him.  "I can't save Rukia. I don't have any abilities and there's no way to reach her from here."

"Actually I happen to know a way there." Kisuke spoke. 

Ichigo got up immediately. "Tell me what it is." He demanded.

Urahara stopped him. "I will only tell you if you agree to train with me for ten days." 

"What?! We don't have time for that! Rukia will be sentenced to be executed!" Ichigo spoke up. 

Kisuke watched him before pinning him down with Shitonegaeshi. "Going into the soul society in your state now will kill you. I let you fight those two yesterday to show you how much stronger they are compared to you. A weak person entering the enemy's den is a suicide mission. Using others as an excuse to die is weak." He spoke to him seriously. 

Sumiko had arrived to the room with Hana after they walked down the hall to the room they saw a light coming from. 

Hana walked with her before stopping in front of the door to see the three of them. "Kisuke!" She spoke up in a cheerful tone.

Sumiko could practically feel her mother's affection for her father as she sweat dropped. She took notice of the ginger before glancing at Kisuke from outside the room. She knew her mother was right earlier.

Kisuke glanced up before glancing over as his serious demeanor changed. Standing up straight before grinning. "Ah my two favorite girls." He beamed. "What can I do for you?"

Ichigo huffed before sitting up and rubbing his shoulder. Glancing over at the door before seeing Sumiko and Hana. Staying silent and mostly watching. Unaware that those were her parents.

"Sumiko wanted to ask you something." Hana spoke as she grinned.

"Is that so? What can I do for you kid? But I do have to warn you that you have to address me as dad." He joked at the end to make her smile.

𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ➤ 𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐨 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐤𝐢 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant