• • ᴄʜᴀᴩᴛᴇʀ xɪɪ • •

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Miyu glanced towards the hollow. "I'll do it. You want a soul reaper, right? Choose one that can fight back. It might make your chase more thrilling for you."

"Miyu! What are you thinking?! You can't possibly be thinking about running off with that thing!" Rukia spoke up.

"You can't fight in your condition and you seem like running in that gigai is hard enough as it is. I can still move."

"You're injured."

"I'll be fine. Stay here with Chad. I won't take long."

Rukia was hesitant about letting her go but it was too late when she watched her sprint off.

Miyu knew what she was doing and to her it was the right choice. To help Chad escape the curse that the bird carried. To escape the hollow that continued to put him in harms way. She would do it again.

Running away from the hollow and playing into his game to keep the bird alive. The boy in the bird had done nothing wrong and being blown up by a hollow wasn't a way to go.

A wince leaving her when she was unable to dodge some his leeches. Hearing him laugh and taunt her as he was getting closer.

Her vision not as good with blood running down one side. Her shoulder, forearm, and legs bleeding from the previous explosions from him that she hadn't dodged. Ignoring them as she ran with her zanpakuto in hand.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" The hollow taunted. Throwing more leeches at her. One landing on her hand and elbow as he watched her dodge the others. "Just one little sound is all."

The leeches going off as they exploded just like the others. Making her hiss at the pain and land on the ground. The zanpakuto in her hands dropping as she gathered her breathe. Her free hand holding her injured left arm.

"How will you fight me now? You can't even pick up your sword. One flick from me and you might as well become dust." The hollow laughed.

"I still have one good arm."

"Not for long. Your blood is making me want to end things quicker. Wouldn't you agree?" He asked. Inching closer before his head was stepped on and lowered.

"I would agree to ending things." A voice spoke up.

"I-ichigo." Miyu spoke surprised.

Ichigo glanced over as he was surprised to see her there before seeing her state as he dug his foot a bit deeper into the hollow's head.

"He did all that to you?" Ichigo asked.

Miyu gave a small nod. "You need to be careful." She spoke.

"How long do you intend on standing on my head boy?" The hollow hissed

Ichigo ignored him as he walked over to Miyu and got her up. "Hey Rukia! Do that glove thing you do so I can fight this thing and heal her wounds." He spoke. Keeping his eyes on her. "Stay with Rukia while I finish this off. No buts or anything."

Miyu wanted to protest and help but knew she'd only get in the way as she nodded. "Okay." She spoke quietly as she glanced at him. Her gaze moving behind him. Grabbing her zanpakuto before pushing him out of the way when the hollow tried to attack him from behind in his human form. Being sent back as she hit her head when she touched the ground. Falling unconscious.

"Rukia now!" Ichigo yelled

Rukia ran over with her glove ready before getting him out of his body. While Ichigo went off to fight the Hollow she rushed over to Miyu. Patting her cheek lightly before using her kido to try and heal her wounds to the best of her abilites and how well her wounds would heal since she had a few of them.

"What's wrong Ichigo? Ichigo? Wake up." Chad spoke.

"He's fine. He's fighting to protect us all." Rukia spoke.

Chad listened as he was confused on what was going on before setting Yuki's body next to Ichigo's.

Rukia focused on her kido at the moment and worked on the wounds. Watching as they were taking a while to heal up but she knew she was doing great.

Miyu stayed knocked out as her head had been bleeding. She had done it to keep Ichigo and the others safe. She had faith in Ichigo defeating the hollow.

"Come on Miyu.. wake up." Rukia spoke.

"What happened to Miyu?" Chad asked. He was still unable to see the things around him that others could.

"She got hurt but I'm doing the best that I can to help." Rukia spoke and placed the female into her body to continue the healing kido.

Ichigo took a while before managing to kill the hollow. Watching as the gates of hell opened up and took him away after they impaled him before he was soon gone.

The ginger being shocked to have seen what he had and rushing back to the spot he had left them on. Sending the spirit off to the soul society with his mother after the boy and Chad made a promise for when he passed that he got to carry him around once he passed away too.

Ichigo pressed the back of his zanpakuto's hilt to the boy's forehead and sending him off. Putting away his zanpakuto and rushing over to his body. Getting inside before sitting up to face Rukia and Miyu. "How is she doing?"

"A bit well. Not all her wounds were able to fully heal properly so she'll have to take things easy for her recovery."

"She won't listen to you and making her recover. She's stubborn." Ichigo spoke.

Chad had gone home by now as it had only been the three of them still in the area.

"Head home first Rukia." Ichigo spoke. Walking over to Miyu as he picked her up to carry her back home on his back. "I got him, Miyu." He mumbled as he walked further down the block.

Miyu stayed out but would often show that she was alive by making small wincing or movements. Things that had him sighing in relief.

Ichigo continued to walk as he moved slowly and carefully to continue the walk. Taking her to his place instead of hers since he knew Orihime would only get worried for her and that would be something Miyu wouldn't want. Arriving at his place he opened the door.

"Ichigoo! Where have you-?" Isshin stopped himself when he noticed his son's face and how serious he was.

"Can you help her dad?" Ichigo asked.

"Take her to one of the beds." Isshin spoke seriously.

Ichigo nodded before walking away from his family. Setting her down where his father would usually keep his patients.

Isshin kicked him out before getting to work on cleaning up her wounds that Rukia hadn't been able to completely heal.

Ichigo waited for his dad to finish up as he leaned against the wall. Blaming himself that she had gotten hurt and he hadn't been there to help. Having seen Rukia get hurt too as he ran a hand through his hair. He knew that he would keep them all safe next time and he wouldn't let anyone get hurt under his care.

It was the feeling of dread knowing that he had failed to keep those he loved safe like he had promised. Keeping himself glued to the wall and waiting for his father to finish patching her up. Growing nervous with every passing second.

Yuzu checking in on him from time to time. Keeping her brother busy from thinking too much about what had happened. Letting him have some space when he grew too silent. She knew he cared about his friends deeply. Even if he didn't show it.

Isshin soon came out of the room. Glancing at his son.

"How is she?"

"She will be fine. Nothing serious. At the moment, she's sleeping. Rest is needed but if you want to check on her you can."

"Thank you." Ichigo spoke.

"What happened?"

Ichigo thought about it. Thinking of something believable. "Um.." He spoke as nothing came to mind. "Just a small school fight. Nothing important. I'll go see her now." He dashed past him.

𝑼𝑵𝑺𝑷𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑬𝑪𝑻𝑶𝑹 || 𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒐 𝒌𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒊 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon