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The last time I was invited to a wedding which was last year, there was no wedding, unfortunately.

The couple had eloped a day before and didn't tell anyone after an entire year of planning.

But this, this was an anticipated ceremony for everyone and their story fits perfectly.

Anton and Cheryl.

I for one believed that Anton had forgotten my best friend, guess he had other plans. Which was a very risky one; going away for six years If I remember correctly. On a hope that 'no man would sweep his woman off her feet because she was his from the start.' Anton's words not mine.

The man was quiet but a little cocky and that was perfect and a good balance for Cher. An introverted surgeon who worships my best friend, what more could I ask for Cher. After going all bridezilla on Dany and I for three months, Cher was going to be Mrs. Shah tomorrow.

The dance instructor before the rehearsal made things difficult for me. Told him I wouldn't be dancing since I had no dancing bones in my body but the man had a way with words and before I could fathom what happening, I was in the arms of Shane; one of Anton's friend who will be walking down the aisle with me.

Cheryl and her fiancé had asked for two rehearsed dances for the bridesmaids and groomsmen which we had been practicing tirelessly for two weeks. Now I was convinced that I could dance and my partner, Shane, was not complaining.

Shane was a chatterbox well, one of the chatterboxes among Anton's friends. I was expecting a group of quiet men but we were graced with two ripped, bulky, extroverted handsome men and Dany had been glued to them ever since. I was secretly hoping that she and Hanswil; her partner, would become a thing but Dany loved them old.

"Good! One, two, and three! Twirl and grasp his fingers! Bravo! One final lap and we're done."

He lied.

The man decided our steps were not in sync and made us practice another hour before we were released. Couldn't blame him though. Our soon to be couple hired him because he was recommended as the best and now here we were in Cher's apartment, lying on the air mattress with our bodies feeling like it's been torn limp by limp.

"This is way better than a bachelorette party."

The girls and I moaned in unison at the taste of junk food piled up in front of us. It was now three in the morning, a great opportunity to binge watch some anime before the wedding.

The guys were out somewhere camping at the beach and to me, that was far better than getting drunk at a strip club.

The wedding was at one in the afternoon giving us ample time-we think- to sleep before we were woken up to start our makeover.

"In less than twenty-four hours you'll be Mrs. Shah. Are you nervous? " Cher responded with a coy smile but not before shaking her head.

"We need to sleep though, can't have you dozing off at the altar." Danny was right. We all knew we had to get some rest at least before Cher's apartment was raided by the team in the morning. But this was our last night in before Cher was turned into a Missus.

" No wait. Let's watch one last episode."

That one last episode didn't see pass the closing credits since we all dozed off. I was thankful for Cher's parents for budging in. My body still felt sore from sleeping late but some painkillers could fix that.

Thanks to Cher's mom, we had finished our morning routine at six before the make up artist, photographer and videographer showed up and everything felt like a blur.

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