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I ran past my mom through the hallway to Darien's room immediately she let me to go.

My heart was literally about to burst in my chest if I was delayed any further from seeing him.

My feet stopped right in front of his room, scared at what I'd see.

Did he lose his legs? What if he blames me for this? Because I didn't save him on time. My heart sank thinking of all the possibilities.

For the very first time I decided to let go, to enjoy while I still can and look at where that got me? Where that got us? Slowly pushing the curtains from the door, I saw my sisters on each side of the bed talking to him.

They were sniffing and giggling as they cuddled him making me burst into tears.

My sudden outcry alerted them of my presence. His thighs and legs were in a cast just like my hands but that was not the need for my loud sob.

It looked like he was already healed and I was happy to see that. Did that mean he could walk again?

My senses came back to me when I heard him calling me but I realized I was still immobile; still rooted on the ground. Scared I'd find out my worst nightmare; of him blaming me, of him breaking up with me.

So why not do it first?

As much as it'll hurt me, doing it first will help the both of us.

My sisters made their way out eventually, but not before squeezing my arm, trying to give me some sort of encouragement or confidence I think but, it wasn't working.


He called out to me again and scooted, making space for me to come sit beside him. My eyes had open a dam at this point.

The heaviness, anxiety, pain, mockery I was feeling inside all came out in a loud cry. I was wailing in his chest like a baby as he mumbled sweet words into my ears but all I could say was I'm sorry.

"Look at me. Love, look at me. You have nothing to be sorry for. You, are my hero. My woman in a shining armor. You saved me-us. You saved my dad and I and I'm forever grateful to you my love. I want you to know that. I'm forever yours."

But I shook my head at his words. I felt that I was to be blamed for this and how could I not feel guilty about it?

"I love you, so so much and I'm so sorry we had to keep this between us. It really is my fault that this happened to you and your family.

Maybe, if we had been out together and not hiding then this wouldn't have happened. I know it felt like we were hiding this from our friends and people because I told you to but now, I honestly don't care.

I want you by my side and I want everyone to know that I'm yours." I muttered with tears still running down my cheeks.

"Oh K."

He hugged me again rocking us both as we cried together.

"I was so scared D. I thought I lost you. I don't know what I would have done if I had and, as much as this may sound so cringey and cliche,  you are my world."  He chuckled amid the tears running down his cheeks.

"And I don't want to hide this relationship, this feeling anymore. I don't want to feel like this anymore. That..that back there was really crazy."

"Oh baby. This wasn't your fault. Push that guilt away. I promise you my legs are fine. I just need to see a physiotherapist to get me back on my legs. That's all."

"No you don't get it. If we had gone public, you would have been on campus with me and then you wouldn't have to be in this stupid cast. I'm such an asshole. I didn't even think of you. I was being selfish."

He chuckled again rocking me back and fort again.

" I love you."

His grey eyes shone brightly at my words making me regret my stupid decision of hiding our relationship. What was wrong with me? My mom was right. Life's too short to be thinking about what others will say. It's none of their business anyway.

"I love you." And I couldn't bring myself to hold up the tears any longer. It felt so good to hear him say it for the umpteenth time.

He was my other half, my soulmate, and I believe God paired me up with this man to change my life.

"I want to kiss you so bad right now."

"Eww Gross."

We pulled apart to see our friends standing at the door. Dang! I was seriously waiting for that kiss.

I moved out of his bed and tried to give him space with the twins so I can speak with my friends but he wasn't having it.

My man literally scooped me up to his side tightly making me all shy all of a sudden but comfy. Real comfy.

Matt; the elder twin cleared his throat bringing me back to them.

"How are you two doing? We're so glad you both are safe."

"Thanks, we're still trying to wrap our heads around things but we're fine." Darien answered rubbing my back gently with his thumb as they circle around the bed.

"Man, this week has been one of the toughest week for all of us. We came here yesterday but you two were knocked up and please, don't ever scare us like that again. You hear me?"

"Yes dad- ouch! What was that for?" I laughed and gave Danny an approving nod for flicking Darien's nose.

"They were worried about you silly."

" I know I'm sorry. I'm glad to be alive to see you guys again. Back in the fire, when I was stuck. I thought I wouldn't see you all again but I'm grateful to this lady here for saving me. She truly is my hero, I can't thank her enough."

"It's easy. Put a ring on her finger."

Danny's response made everyone laugh which of course made me all shy once again and I'm never shy. Let's bare that in mind.

"You can't say stuff like that Dany." I tried to brush her off telling Darien not to give in to her.

"What? We all can see that you two are hopelessly in love with each other so what's stopping you both from tying the knot. If it's school we're done with it. Oh that reminds me! You guys will be writing the last two papers tomorrow. You ready for them?"

Darien and I both nodded knowing fully well we'd have to write those papers to graduate.

"I have to tell you all something though. I didn't want tell you guys like this but since Dany has paved the way for us, K and I want you guys to know that we are seeing each other officially. We started a month ago but, we wanted to take things slow."

"Yeah by hiding it from us."

"Dany!" I whined shoving my head inside Darien's arm.

"I'm just messing with you two. We all knew you guys were going out and we're happy for you both. Now, when is the wedding?"

"Dany!" Our friends laughed amid my playful glare to Dany before coming in for a group hug.

I really missed this.

I really missed this

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