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Darien's POV

When she opened her mouth to speak, I didn't know it would be this.

The girl sitting on my lap had gone through a lot and I wouldn't wish that for my enemy.

From a broken home, to the clutches of poverty, to the extent of rape and to this predicament. She's so strong, she hasn't shared any of this with her friends or her family and my heart was breaking for her.

I didn't know what else I was supposed to do but to weep with her.

When Davies told me that humanity was slowly dying due to unsolved problems and the inability to aid others, I thought she meant something so mere but no, I now understood what she was saying.

I snapped back to what K was saying and decided to stop her with a question that kept on bugging my mind.

"Why didn't you talk to your mom? She's a wonderful listener." She heaved a sigh and shook her head.

"She's not." Her response baffled me. The woman she was referring to was the same woman who had listened to me when I needed help.

"That's a lie, your mom helped me when I... you know." she snickered and nodded.

"Yeah I'm not saying she's a bad mom but she's always been a people's pleaser. I'm really glad she did if not, we wouldn't be here." I nodded trying to understand what she was saying.

"I know you don't get it let me explain," so she did.

She started with her childhood and how it was like growing up with her mother, then moved to where they used to stay before moving up here which I'm very thankful for. That reminds me, I have to give my thanks to K's mom, she did good for coming here.

"I've tried talking to her like a daughter and mother you know about stuff but that vibe is not there, so I keep everything in here." She ended patting her heart.

"My sisters and I, we try to joke around with her but she's so uptight. I'm still surprised she took a liking to you cause hell, that was not supposed to happen." I feigned hurt smacking her lightly on her knee.

"What's does suppose to mean?"

"Back when we were young, our mates from school couldn't visit me because they were all scared of my mom mainly for her stare and her interrogations." She laughed reminiscing that memory.

"It was so funny, I had to watch boys from my class run away after knocking on our door." she added which made me think,

"I think that's kinda good, she's driving away petty lads from disturbing you. Now look at you, all grown and beautiful." She snickered and nodded agreeing with me.

"You're right if I look at it that way but I've always yearn for a mother I can gossip with, tell her about my day and silly boys but I guess she loves me in her own way." I agreed but at the same time, was sad that she didn't have someone like Rosa.

"But you know something, I think I understand her. I remember going through her photos and from what I saw, she was brought up that way by her parents but I won't let my children ever go through this.

I want to have that close relationship with my children." she heaved another sigh and wiped her face.

"Thanks for listening." She sniffed still wiping her cheeks, "and uh crying" she added suddenly feeling all shy.

"I'm glad I did and just so you know, you're too stubborn. I think you got that from your mom."

"Hey!" I received a smack for that which was quite painful for such tiny fingers.

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