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Immediately we heard Rosa yell for us to come down, we knew it was time for food.

Someway somehow, I had been able to spend my afternoon with Darien in his room without checking the time.

Rosa said the grace and we all dived in to eat. Apparently the food wasn't a strange meal but rather a delicious one and made up my mind to ask for the recipe.

I hummed every time I took a bite because the food just melted in my mouth, I couldn't wait to share the recipe with my mom.

I looked around the table to see I was the first person to finish and this made me shy since this was not the first impression I wanted Darien's parent to have of me.

I picked up the napkin on my side to clean my hands and sipped the wine slowly.

"Oh dear please eat more, I made this for you." I really wished I could say no to Rosa but I really wanted to have more, I hummed again taken a huge bite and moaned at the taste of the meal in my mouth.

"Rosa if you don't mind, I would love to have the recipe for this dish." I asked after gulping down some wine.

"Of course." I made a happy yay mentally and went back to my food.

"Tell us dear, how long have you been in your field of work?"

"Uh for almost four years." I humbly answered and she looked at me in awe.

"I've always wanted to be on the screen doing some show or something. I remember when I was a child, I use to stand infront of my mirror with my hairbrush and speak like Barbara Walters." Rosa spoke reminiscing her good old days.

I was so happy she mentioned Barbara Walters, the woman was a huge media personality.

"That's really nice Rosa and your looks would have made everyone watch you." she grinned at my compliments making me smile.

"My Rosa is very beautiful." Mr. Walls added rubbing the back of her wife who was red like a tomato.

"So how is it like with your work, I mean we watch you on the screens and honey you do look beautiful, is it always easy?" I shook my head with a smile and replied.

"Never easy Rosa. At times I have to go over pronunciations and check if the words are all correct, my boss normally wants me to stick to what's coming out of the teleprompter but me being stubborn, I add somethings to it to make it more interesting to watch the news".

I took another bite thinking about all the times I made Jordon mad but thank heavens I still got the job.

"I get it now. I thought it was that easy but you do it so well. If I had a daughter, I would have want her to venture into your field." Warmth crept up to my cheeks making me fidget, I've never been good with attention and the Walls, who were known to be the A-listers were complimenting me.

"Oh Rosa maybe you could join me in the studio when you have time to see how things are done there that is, if you're free?" I smiled and she squealed again getting out from her seat to hug me.

"Oh my God really! Count me in." She walked back to the kitchen to bring desserts rambling about her schedule and tried to look for a perfect day to come to the studio. I smiled and shook my head sipping my wine.

"Thank you, for doing that for my Rosa." Mr. Walls gave me a warm smile patting my hand on the table and before I could fish out a reply she was back with lemon cakes.

"I know I shouldn't ask you this dear but are you seeing someone?" I blinked twice and scooped the dessert.

"Seeing someone as in..."

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