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I had my glasses on and as usual, was sitting on the first row staring at my lecturer who was seriously teaching.

It was a morning class and I actually forgot to take in coffee. I loved this class because it was full of practicals and the lecturer himself was also fun and easy to understand well apart from french which I was taking as an elective course throughout every semester.

Pure and Commercial Advertising was another course I felt at ease with. I wrote down everything he said eventhough I knew he was going to give out his slides plus his pamphlets.

I just felt that these professors were always saying something additional to what they had in their books and I wasn't going to let that pass.

After a full three hours he gave his closing remarks.

"And yes, don't forget to bring in your assignments. Not in softcopies, I need the hardcopy. We have a presentation next week". He chuckled when he heard the class groan.

Why can't they just teach and then leave without giving assignments.

"Miss Anderson you will do the honors of presenting first. Have a good day!"

I swallowed the huge pile of saliva in my mouth and sighed. I didn't like this part of school, never did and never will. And here I was going to present first next week.

"It's okay K, doing it first is much better... The earlier the better." I murmured packing my books.

I turned to look at the hall and almost half of the class were out going for their next lecture.

"Keturah! hey!" I saw someone waving at me from the back but I had to squint my eyes through my glasses to see the person, making a mental note to go see my optometrist this weekend.

I waved back smiling even though I couldn't see the person clearly but the voice was a feminine one so I figured it was a girl.

She came closer and I smiled widely hugging her, "hey Jen what's up?"

Jen and I have been in the same class since first year. She's considered as one of my friends though she had her legit group of friends.

She was a 5.5 and skinny but not skinny in the boobs and butts section and yes her relationship was the talk of the town most days courtesy to campus relationship.

Everyone knew her boyfriend Ivan. He was a cool boy with a lot of attitude, we walked out of the class together still chatting nonchalantly.

"Don't forget we have a meeting after school today."

"Ah yes sure... Thanks."

I sincerely forgot about the study group; we met thrice every week to discuss difficult courses.

Sometimes I'd invite other students to help too especially with business and relationship marketing.

These courses were something else and it's always predictable when these type of courses were followed with difficult lecturers.

"So you presenting first next week huh?" I groaned again making Jen laugh.

"That's what you get for sitting in front." She teased again as we laughed in unison.

She always knew I sit infront, that was me and I don't regret it honestly.

"I know you'll pull through heck! You're one of the best students I know." She complimented and I smiled muttering a thanks.

We parted ways with her reminding me again about our study group this afternoon.
"I'll be there!" I shouted and waved at her.

I took out my phone from my back pocket and smirked when I saw the messages from my friends.

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