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After sitting down painfully for the next two hours, the class came to an end.

I shut down my laptop and turned to look at the guy I came to class with but he no where to be found.

As to how Darien vanished from the class, I couldn't even tell.

I sighed heavily and approached my best friends who were still in their seats at the front.

"How come you sat at the back today and why did you come in late?" Cheryl questionned giving me no time to explain.

"With a guy. You forgot to add that." Dany added making me wince. I really wanted to tell them and I knew I couldn't keep secrets from them but I preferred to keep things simple.

"That's a friend of mine." I replied hiding my eyes from their faces.

They knew I was hiding something but I was glad they didn't budge.

"What happened to your eyes? They are so red." I deliberately blinked twice and pretended I didn't know what they were talking about.

"It's the eye drop my mom gave me yesterday. Is it really that red?" I rubbed my eyes hopping that the color will change to its normal state.

"Let's get going we can't miss the next class." Dany sighed taking the lead.

After our short walk, we got into our hall and took our seat as usual in the front row.

I turned to look for Darien but couldn't find him. Great! Now I seriously needed to see my optometrist this weekend.

Dany and Cher started talking about something or someone, I wasn't really listening. It looked like it was really circulating on campus for them to be at it this morning.

I sighed and blinked back the tears that were forming in my eyes.

Why was I even sad, I didn't really know?
It'd been there, hidden for a long time now. But now, I felt like I was choking.

Darien and I had already spoken about this and now I was certain that we had patched things up but why did I feel so down, like I wasn't in the right place and damn moody.

I refocused my attention back to my friends who were laughing at something they said.

After thirty minutes, the professor came inside and lectures began. I could feel my phone vibrating in my bag so I picked it out and of course my mom was calling.

It was no surprise honestly but I thought after three years-almost four years of being in school, she would stop by now.

When I first came to college, my mom would call almost every two hours and it was literally frustrating.

I knew she was paranoid somehow but that didn't justify her actions. It got to a time it was so bad we had to compromise. We made an agreement that she'd call me thrice but no she didn't listen.

She went back to calling every two hours, I became furious and decided to let it out on her but my friends snatched the phone from me and spoke to my mom and that was how they came to her.

I later came to know that they were a tad bit envious of me although they had two successful parents who were very supportive.

Looking back at the professor I turned to the side of the row I was sitting to see that I was the only one who wasn't typing or writing down notes.

If I wasn't part of the notable students in school then I would have dropped my head down in shame; perks of assisting professors every semester of my first two years.

I sent my mom a quick text to let her know I'm good and went back to focus on the lecturer.

I never liked the man infront of me but I liked his course.

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