"Do ghosts live there?"

"Yes, the night is all about devils. Either you will be their prey, or..."


"It will give rise to the devil inside you."

I recalled Dadi telling me tales about the memorial. But I'm not a kid anymore. I won't tell anyone that I went there. I walked towards the gate quietly, feeling like a spy. Today, I realized silence has a noise, and a very creepy one. The memorial looked like a simple ground in daylight, but what if the ghosts of kings and queens wandered here at night?

So what? I am not scared!

I sneaked inside, leaning against the wall, and witnessed something I shouldn't have seen.

"Everyone is a devil here."

"You see what they show."

"Don't go on their words; their tongue betrays their mind."

"Night is all about devils."

These words echoed in my mind. There were four men—Aaryaveer, the guy I bumped into at the party, my dad, and one other person. Their eyes were red, wickedness clear on their faces. They resembled a pack of wolves. Blood was smeared on their faces, and Aaryaveer was holding a knife.

I clamped my hand over my mouth, desperately trying to stifle any scream that threatened to escape. Oh God, tell me where troubles lie because wherever I go, they seem to follow me. I hoped they weren't trailing me like a love-sick cat.

I ran with all my strength and stopped right in front of the temple, close to our mansion. Again, it was common ground. I didn't want to remember anything; erase my memory, please. Wait! Do they have CCTV installed? I kept overthinking until finally, sleep accompanied me.

It was 5 in the morning when I heard someone.


I woke up in a hurry; it was Pandit Ji, the priest. It meant morning, and I had to reach home before they found out.

"Were you sleeping here at night?"

"No, no, absolutely not. Why would I? I came at 4:30 only."

"You must not wander at night; it's not safe for kids," he said politely. I wished he had mentioned this earlier. But wait, did he just call me a kid? Well, my fault. I never listened to him; he warned me more than a hundred times in these weeks alone. But tell me not to do something, and I will surely do it. Such a rebellious person I am.

 I quickly grabbed my slippers and walked out. Wait, where is my inhaler..? Ummm.. let me think... No.oo I dropped it at the gate of the memorial in a hurry. What if they caught me? But drunk people have poor visibility, but who will guarantee that for drunk devils?

Mrs. Singhania was entering the temple with her elder son. Name the devil, and the devil arrives. I need to escape, but my instinct knows some trouble is waiting for me. 

Turning my face around 

1..2..3. run, 

and I hurried.

 Argh... my luck, I collided with the devil. The same emerald eyes, they looked calm, but not to me because I cannot forget the bloody eyes. I tore my gaze away; I don't have the courage to look into his.


He should have said sorry, but see his ego, spoilt brat. "Sorry, I was in a hurry," I said apologetically, trying my best to avoid eye contact.

My gaze fell on the thing that fell from his pocket; it was my inhaler!!!!! He picked it up, giving me a death stare. Am I the next on God's list?

"What happened to your hand?" she asked.

"What.. my hand, ah ha my hand, umm.. nothing," he was looking at me, ready to attack. As soon as the words left my mouth, I ran away.

"What happened to her?" she said.

But I didn't turn around. The poor lady would know what happened when my name would be on the front page someday, and I would be on the list.

 The poor lady would know what happened when my name would be on the front page someday, and I would be on the list

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Did you noticed their eye colour?

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