Second impression?

Start from the beginning

Madinah realized her office was on the floor below Daddy's office, she recognized it from the last time she was here and made a mental note to go greet him later in the day.

Different doors filled the hallway,

"The door to your right is your office. This floor is mainly for our senior architects and engineers, although you are just starting, your qualifications were very impressive and a good word was put in for you, so you're under that category."

In other words, daddy was giving her special treatment.

"This is the executive lounge, reserved mostly for the CEO and CFO. The head of departments as well, come take a look."

Madinah looked warily at him, she didn't fit into any of those categories. "It's okay, I will just go to my office."

"Nonsense! I was going there for coffee anyways, and I happen to not know how to operate the coffee machine here. Why don't you take a look?"

She badly wanted to decline and walk away, at that moment she wished with everything that she had Ayaan or even her friend Ammals confidence. Sadly, she did not, so she silently walked behind him into the room.

Reminding herself that this was a professional setting and she was only being paranoid, what was the worst that could happen?

That was her thought as she examined the espresso machine, only to realize it was already set and you only had to press the start button to get your coffee.

"There's already coffee in here." She told him, relief prominent in her voice as she turned around.

Madinah came face to face with the man who stood mere inches away from her, so close she could smell his breath.

"My bad." She felt sick at the feel of his hot breath on her face.

"What are you doing?" She squeaked out.

David placed a hand on her hip, "only getting acquainted with the staff."

She shivered, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Please stop.." her voice came out as a whisper and she cursed herself for not being able to pry him off her.

"Relax, what do you think the HR department is responsible for?

Hiring.. firing. The likes."

She realized he was trying to threaten her with her job. She should have listened to her instincts and walked into her office the minute they got here.

His hands trailed up as she uses force she didn't even realize she had to push him away, it was not enough.

Just when his hands started getting too close to her breast, they heard a voice,

"What the hell is going on here?"

Madinah recognized that voice, her veins turned to ice.


Adeel prided himself on his level of control. Control over his surroundings, control over his actions, control over his emotions.

But at that moment, he felt his control slip. It took every single bone in his body not to lunge at the man who stood opposite him, his hands now off his fiancé.

He knew that if he so much as got his hands on him, he would murder him. After all, he has never been above killing, not after what happened.

"I said," he takes a step forward, "what the hell is going on in here." His voice remained eerily calm, leveled.

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