"stai zitto enzo, e tieni gli occhi a parte se vuoi tenerli." Before I could process what was happening, Romeo and the stranger began yapping at each other in their assumed native tongue.

Confused of the situation with Zero and Miguel just smirking to themselves, I decided to hurry the squabble up. "Excuse me Mr Lianni, but why did you call me to your office if you weren't going to speak to me?"

My question had them all intently gazing at me. I wouldn't mind so much but it was now five and I wanted to get home.

"Everyone out." Romeo ordered whilst his eyes were still set on my own. I could tell he wasn't happy with my outburst but did I care?

The three men shuffled before leaving the room, Zero walking past me and sending me a teasing wink as if to say good luck.

The heavy door closed behind them leaving me alone with the man who seemed to know exactly how to push my buttons. Or maybe it was the other way round?

"I called you in because I wanted to discuss work." I knew my big mouth would ruin it. "Take a seat." Romeo walked behind his desk, the clacking of his heels on the tiled floor following after him.

We both took a seat before he leant back in his chair, intertwining his fingers on his manspread lap and staring at me. The way he looked had my gaze uncontrollably roaming his body and I had to pinch my skin to get myself to stop.

When silence had gone on for too long, I cleared my dry throat and attempted to speak. "So, urm, what about work? Have I gone and got myself into trouble? If it's the case that my mouth has a mind of it's own, I'm sorry, I will try to do better. Even if it means stitching it-"

"Miss Ashford, your mouth is not the problem." His eyes filtered over to my lips for a millisecond before he coughed and subconsciously wet his bottom lip. Do that again, I liked that...

"I called you up because I wanted to offer you something." What now?

"Offer me something?" I've been here two weeks, why would he be offering me something when I've been employed for less than a month?

"Yes. From what I've seen, you're a smart worker and a productive employee. Your work ethic is something that I deem valuable when looking for high achieving workers and I believe that you are a beneficial asset to my business." I couldn't believe my ears, bossman was actually being nice to me?! "So with all things taken into consideration, I've decided to offer you the opportunity and placement to work as my PA."

My mind went as blank as a piece of paper and all I could seem to formulate in my head was a repetition of the word, huh?

"Miss Ashford?" I looked up from not even noticing I was frowning at the ground, as Romeo displayed an expression of subtle confusion. Me too mate.

"Sorry, your PA?"

"Personal assistant, yes."

I honestly don't know what was running through my mind right now. I'd booked the accounting job and thought that was too good to be true, but now I'm being offered the position of personal assistant to the boss? What was life?

"But....why though? With all due respect, I don't see where this is coming from? I've only been here two weeks, and I'm only just finding my feet." Maybe I was being foolish by not grabbing the job by both hands but honestly, I just felt bewildered. I thought this man hated me.

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