1.16 part 2: Answers

Start from the beginning

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought the powers I have now are something you gave me to help me in this world."

"I did help the power become a part of you, yes. But the power did not come from nowhere, not from me. It was something that already existed." Persephone explained. "Remember when you first came to my garden? When you died."

"Yes, why?" Where was she going with this?

"Do you remember the violet energy dancing around you?" She hoped I would understand what she was talking about. And I now did.

"It was the power, wasn't it?" I asked her, even though deep down, I knew the answer.

"Yes. When you first died and came to me, it decided to come to you. You were worthy of its power, so it merged with you. All it needed was for you to be reborn a new. And since you fit the requirements to be reborn, the power was given the perfect opportunity to merge with you. For you two to become one. It waited a long time for you."

This was a lot of information to take in. At first, I thought that this power that I have came from her, but now I learn it was something that chose me, long before I was even born. Came to me. Picked me. And Persephone only helped it merge with me. But what about the soulmate part?

"What about the soulmate part? How, and why am I soulmates with him?" I needed answers, and my conversation with Persephone only made me more confused and curious. Having me ask questions I never thought I would need to ask.

"You become the most powerful being in this world. No power in this world can rival yours. Something that powerful needs something to ground them. To not let their power change them. And in other words. To give them a weakness." She began explaining. So far what I understand is that I'm so powerful that having a soulmate is essentially me having a weakness.

"But what about Kol?"

"All the Mikaelson's have a soulmate. Kol is the only one who knows about these things and knows of the existence of his own. And if I remember correctly, you did always favor Kol and Elijah. You always felt bad for Kol and the life he has had. Making you his soulmate, made it so we knew for certainty that he would become happy. We knew that you would help him. Give him what he needs. You would balance him out."

"Why did you keep saying we?" I understood now why Kol. I understand now where my power came from and what it is. I have learned more now in this hour we have spoken than I have learned since I got here. That is why when she spoke of a 'we', I heard it as clear as day. Because out of all that she had told me, that was the only thing that I did not understand.

"Fate and Destiny are what decide who is soulmates. I asked them to make you two soulmates. So when I say we, I mean the goddesses of Faith and Destiny aided me in making it so."

Okay, wow. This is a lot to take in right now.

"How many Gods and Goddesses are there?"

"There is a God or Goddesses for everything with great significance. Faith, Destiny. Magic, chaos, order. The supernatural. Universes. Life and death. These are just some of the Gods and Goddesses that exist."

This was honestly too much for me to handle right now. I need a break.

"Okay, that is a lot to process."

"Take all the time you need." As she spoke, her form began to disappear. As if she was fading out of this world.

"Wait!" I yelled out. There is something I need answers to. Something I completely forgot about. "What is The Mother?" I asked her.

"It is what you are. What you became when the power merged with you." And just like that, she faded away. Leaving me confused, as she didn't really answer my question. I kinda understand. It's like a title that comes with the power. But that can't be all, there has to be something else to it. or else Bree wouldn't have acted the way she did.

This is too much for today, I just gonna go to bed and try and process this tomorrow.


Somewhere unknown

"You didn't tell her everything." The Vince of an unknown man spoke.

"There are things she needs to learn on her own. Only then can I tell her the rest." The female voice spoke.


A/N: Hello everyone. This chapter was just to explain a few things. I originally wanted this information to be given to her throughout more episodes, but that proved difficult. Season 1 is so boring in itself, I just felt like I had to write it here and now, so that we could have some sort of excitement.

I hope you guys like my explanation, and if there is something still unclear to you, please do not hesitate to ask.

I wish I could write more, but I have 3 articles to read for my big test in psychology class tomorrow. So I don't have the time today.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and as always I hope you vote and comment. Bye!

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