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"I couldn't heal because I kept pretending I wasn't hurt."



"I'm colorblind."

He says and smiles. I'm flood with a million questions and I'm not sure if I should say them out loud. The part that worries me a little is that he smiled after saying it. It's not that he shouldn't smile but his situation is a bit different.

He was depressed is his condition also a reason to it?

"You told me you used to like all colors equally. Isn't it a genetic condition? I thought people were born with it." He looks away and the breezes brushing against us makes me cold, shiver. "You are right- it's genetic. But colorblindness can be caused due to severe head injuries that disrupt the pathway that... is responsible for transmitting information about wavelengths and colors is destroyed till the cortical level or damage to your retina- that can also cause colorblindness."

"I thought you were a computer student." He rolls his eyes and a smile breaks on his face. He stares at me, still smiling. I exhale the most I've ever done in my entire life. "How did it happen though?"

I was panicking. If my assumption is right, then this is also my fault. So I'm not the cause of hurting two people but three? These are the reasons why I get a panic attack so easily. The tears behind my eyes were daring to unleash. 

"Tell me."
"I-I was in a-a car accident."

And I push the tears back down, not wanting to cry in front of him. 

No- I did that too. I want this ride to stop. I wanna leave. I can't do this. "My sister and I were together when it happened. I told you right. She didn't make it and I was severely injured but I was alive, just me."

My breathing hitches and my heart is having problems beating properly. It doesn't know how to work whenever Si-Woo's nearby but this time, I don't like the reason.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, Si-Woo." I say and cover my eyes with the front of my hand, my palms and rub the tears that managed to escape.

"You don't have to be sorr-"
"I do- I really really do."

He's gonna hate me. He'll hate me so much. I ruined his life.

"Si-woo, on the day of the accident. Your sister was going to a party. Do you even know who's party was it?"

The first tear falls out of my right eye. I don't wipe it off. I lay my arms on my lap and continue, "It was-"

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