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"I see a stranger in your eyes where I once saw a soulmate."

-It breaks my heart



I quickly tried to pick up everything when the content of the box went everywhere. Literally. I checked under the bed for remaining things when I spotted a picture.

It was of a boy who stood at the far right and two girls- one in the middle and one beside her to the left. The girl on the left felt oddly familiar and when I took a good look on it, the guess rung around in my head.


The girl on the left is me and boy on the right of the girl in the middle is Sung-ho. Younger version of both of us.

And if that's me and that's Sung-ho then this must be.

"Dahyun?" But why does Si-Woo have this picture.

The vivid memory of a boy holding a camera in front of his face flashes in my mind and I look for other things that might prove my theory.

I found another picture. This one was of a boy that was crouching and the same girl- which I suppose is Dahyun- was tackling him. The boy had a huge smile on his face and the side of his eyes were crinkled, almost completely shut.

A smile almost broke on my face but I quickly turned the polaroid photo around and viewed the writing that was displayed. 

'Si-Woo and Dahyun's first time at the amusement park.'

Lee Si-Woo, Lee Dahyun.

He's her brother. "She's his sister?"

Si-Woo lost his sister in a car crash, I lost my friend in a car crash. He never came to school on the same day, every year and that day happens to be my late friend's birthday. The girl he draws is negatively familiar because she's the friend I lost. 

The friend who I promised I'd tell about my first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love. From the pettiest thing such as what I ate to the best thing I had ever had. 

That friend of mine, is his sister.

My cheeks are wet because of the tears that do not dare to stop falling and escaping from my eyes. I don't wipe them, I don't let go off the picture. I stare at the words and every memory with her is recalled and I don't know what to do.

I couldn't do this. I tried to get up from the floor and in doing so my eyes wandered over to the bracelet that had fallen out of the box.

That's our bracelet. The bracelet she made for me. He kept it. Our friendship bracelet. I let out sobs and suddenly I felt this pain in my knees and I fall to the ground.

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