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"Just because you loved me doesn't mean I feel loved by you."



I feel someone's hot breath fanning on my neck, giving me tingles all over my body. And for a moment I misunderstood myself to be on cloud 9 instead of Earth.

I turned around to see the male sleeping, soundlessly beside me. His face nuzzled into the crook of my neck and I smiled at how he held me tight even when he wasn't in his senses.

The memory of last night triggered in my mind, when he had told me that I won't lose him and fell asleep.

The memory of him back hugging me to sleep and the feeling of him holding me right now will always remain imprinted in my mind. His arms were curled around my waist and one of his legs was over my figure, spooning me.

And no matter what I did, I couldn't stop staring at him. I lifted my hand and touched his hair which felt so soft under my touch that I just wanted to hug him and remind myself that he himself was very soft.

My heart hurt a little as I remembered why I'm in his bed in the first place. I don't even dare to cry.

I glanced at Si-Woo one last time before gently removing his arm over my body and sat up on the bed. It's 6 AM right now and classes start by 8. So I have enough time to rush back home and get a fresh pair of clothes for school.

My feet hadn't touched the cold floor when I hear a deep and husky voice from behind me. "Where're you going?" I turned around my eyes went wide when I saw how close he was to me.

I didn't even feel the bed shift under me when he moved. How did he-

"When did you wake up?" I say and look everywhere but in his eyes. For some reason, I couldn't intertwine our gazes. This time I felt the bed shift and he was sitting even closer to me now.

"I woke up before you did." He whispered in my ear and his sleepy, husky voice gave me shivers down my spine. "Why didn't you say anything then?" I said when his head tilted a little and faced my neck. It felt as if every part of my body he breathed upon was combusting into flames.

"I was waiting."
"For what."
"For you to kiss me. Like you did last night."

My heart tripped over a beat and I finally looked at him, in his eyes. "You didn't answer my question though. Where are you going?" How can a person's voice remain that deep even after several minutes of waking up.

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