~ XL ~

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My head was throbbing. Pain pulsed behind my eyes, pounding my temples. My eyes felt scratchy, like they were full of sand. There was a bitter taste in my mouth and my tongue was as dry as sandpaper.

I tried to swallow, and regretted it as my throat rasped, as if it was full of razor blades.

Arms, legs, stomach, back ... every limb ached and felt heavy.


Why did I have to drink so much last night?

My arms were already over my head and I stretched them out further, arching my back, feeling the pop of muscles as they shifted. I was aware of lying on my back, in my bed, the feeling of soft sheets caressing my bare skin.



Bare skin ...

I was ... naked?

Prising my eyes open, I blinked a few times. Everything was dark, blurry, as if my eyes weren't quite open, like they didn't want to open.

Blinking a couple more times, I took a deep breath and was hit by a clean smell. Unfamiliar. Strange.

What the fuck?

I yanked my arms back down. Or tried to.


Pulling at them again, I felt a tugging at my wrists, something sharp digging into my flesh. Twisting my head around, I noticed a scarf wrapped around my wrists, tied tight.



I pulled my arms again.



I was pulling on the metal headboard of the bed, but it wasn't budging.

My arms were stuck.

I was tied to a bed. A very fucking strange bed.


My heart thumped against my ribs as a cold chill shivered along my spine, freezing my body, despite the warmth of the room. My mind was racing as I tried to take in my surroundings.


Trying to lift my body up as much as I could, I blinked a few more times to clear my eyes, and glanced around the room.

Where the fuck was I?

The room was dark, but not so dark that I couldn't make out a dresser, a chest of drawers and heavy curtains covering the large window.

I tugged on my arms again, the material of the scarf biting into my wrists. The thin sheet covering my body was tangled around my legs as I thrashed, trying to pull my arms loose.




Let me go!

I needed to get out of here ... wherever the hell 'here' was.

What the fuck was going on?

What happened last night?

Lying back down, I felt a burning sensation against my wrists where the scarf was digging into the flesh, holding me down, making sure I was going nowhere.

Tears stung my eyes as an icy cold stab of fear pierced my heart, making it beat harder, faster, thumping strongly.


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