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On hearing the front door click, my knees gave way and I slid down the wall, sinking to the floor, knowing that Blake had left my apartment.

And my life.

Should I call him Blake any more?

He said that was his name, that he was still the same 'Blake' I knew. But I didn't know him. At all. I had never really known him. It was all a lie. All of it. He was a ...a ...

I brought my knees to my chest, wrapped my arms around them and hugged them close. A deep sigh left my lips and I leaned my head back against the wall, allowing the events of the last few minutes to wash over me as tears rolled down my cheeks.

When I had first heard the shrieking, I thought I was still asleep. The screams, the sizzling, the smell of burnt flesh. Those kinds of dreams were not unusual to me - the memories of being stuck in the burning house would often haunt my sleep. Part of me expected to wake up in a jolt, drenched in cold sweat, my heart hammering. And then I'd remember it was all just a dream.

I had woken up. But it hadn't been a dream.

It was real.

There was a very real guy being burned in my bedroom.

And it was all because of the sun.

Hugging my knees closer, I breathed out a shaky breath, trying to calm my heart. It hadn't stopped thumping against my ribs since being woken up. And it didn't look like it wanted to slow down any time soon.


What the actual fuck?

Who would believe me if I told them what I'd seen today? What my boyfriend was?

My boyfriend?

A laugh escaped my lips and I wiped at my eyes, sniffing.

He wasn't my boyfriend.

Never was.

Never will be.

He was a freak. A monster.

And he had been here.

In my apartment.

In my bed.

My stomach churned as fresh tears prickled my eyes again.

He had lied to me. He made out he was human. That he was normal. But he wasn't.

What even was he?

A fucking vampire?

Did they even exist?

Scooting closer to the wall, I buried my head in my knees as tears fell freely. Shivers gripped my body as a cold sliver snaked down my spine and wrapped around my heart.


I was so scared.


Was there anyone I could talk to about this?

Was there a number I could call? I mean, I wasn't sure if the emergency services could help right now, but there had to be something? Someone? Right?

What should I do?

Question after question, but not a single answer. The only one who could provide the answers had left my apartment. And I never wanted to see him again.



What if he came back?


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