As the male finished his sentence, he yelled in pain as someone struck him down. The Den-Den Mushi closed its eyes, ending the emergency signal. Both Usopp and Chopper screamed in fright, forehead turning a blue color while Luffy brought a hand under his chin, scratching it.

"....this is not good." the young boy said, after a moment.

"OF COURSE IT'S IS! HE WAS JUST MURDERED!" snarled the sniper.

"THE NEW WORLD IS SCARY!" panicked the reindeer.

"He could have been acting. It still might be a trap" reasoned the archaeologist.

"I don't know, I didn't hear any background noise that said otherwise. Plus it would take more than theatrical to be fake." Yukiko said.

"She keeps her composure~ ♪ " sang Brook, playing his guitar. "C'mon, Robin-san!"

"He said samurai, Brook" spoke Zoro, arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes, it must be one of those samurai...I've heard of them as swordsmen from the Wano Kingdom. It's an isolated nation, which never lets outsiders enter. It doesn't even have any ties to the World Government" explained the skeleton. "Apparently the samurai are so strong, even the Marines won't approach them"

"A kingdom like that exists!?" asked Usopp in disbelief.

"But he said he was in Punk Hazard, not the Wano Kingdom." pointed out Franky. "Did he mean that flaming island?"

"No. He said it was cold" you frowned. "Unless....wait. If I recall, there was a Clash on Punk Hazard two years after the War of the Best. As they were taking Akainu to prison, some of his marine sympathizers got him out, but Aokiji, Kizaru, and Sengoku went after him. Their final confrontation was on Punk Hazard. I don't know the full details, but they had Akainu killed in the battle as he would not yield. But the battle resulted in the island changing. One part of the island became a mass of lava while the other half became a winter wasteland." Yukiko explained.

"In any way, if he was using a baby Den-Den Mushi then that island is the only one within range" continued Robin.

"Alright! Let's go save that guy!" fist-pumped the air Luffy.

"NO!" shrieked in horror Nami.

"LUFFY, THINK ABOUT IT!" enriched Usopp with the same expression. "CHANCES ARE, WE'RE ALREADY TOO LATE!"

"SAMURAI ARE SCARY!" wept Chopper.

"I'M SCARED TOO!" added Brook.

Luffy simply laughed at their antics.

"So...Who's going on the island?" wondered Sanji. "As long as we have doubts that what we heard on the snail is real...we shouldn't all leave the ship."

"Franky, send out the Mini Merry!" told Luffy.


"Wait a second!" Nami stopped him. "Are you planning to go alone?"

"Huh? No way, besides Yukiko is tagging along too!" Luffy grinned as Yukiko nodded.

"Me too!" added Franky.

"It sounds fun!" grinned Robin.

"I-Is it okay if we sit this one out?" paled Usopp.

"I guess there's no helping it. Let's draw straws! Nobody has any complaints about that, right?" suggested Nami, handing over the small papers.

"What a pain...I'm going even if I draw a miss" grunted Zoro, advancing and taking one straw.

"Zoro! If I win, please switch places with me!" pleaded the reindeer with teary eyes.

And the winners (really?) were......

Usopp pulled a straw with the other bit red. Meaning that he will have to go on the island. The sniper cursed loudly, clutching his face in fright as his soul left his body.

"That settles it. The ones who'll go are..." started Sanji, eyeing the others.

"Us" smirked Zoro, showing the red straw.

"How exciting!" laughed Robin.

"How depressing" sobbed Usopp.

"Oh, you won? Lucky you" teased the chef.


"I'm already coming with you, so...." She smiled.

Sanji and Yukiko made lots of lunches for the volunteers and Yukiko decided to bring Pachi, Blaise, Rubius, Reshiram, Kyurem, and Yuki.

Nami made a trail of clouds that hovered the wall of fire. Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Usopp climbed inside the Mini Merry with their lunchboxes, already starting to eat them.

Yukiko wondered what this trip would entail.
Plz comment!

Oh and not to pull up spoilers, but I saw the episodes with Luffy's Nika form and nearly died of a heart attack.

He's so silly yet so mature! I can see why I've been seeing more fanfics with his Gear 5 form!

Can you imagine how Nika!Luffy would act around Yukiko?

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