Chapter 36: Defense

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(Image is of the Hologram table that they use in the board room. Enjoy!)

"So, you see there is the risk of getting our forces overwhelmed here, but if we are able to let it get to a synchronized form and attack at a certain part then we are able to at least get their main army down." I explained to Vulko and the board for a hundredth time.

"Um, so you're suggesting a coordinated attack on all the forces?" Prince Orm confirmed.

"Yes!" I gladly agreed.

"But it has to be a three point plan?"

"No, it's ..Urgh!" I growled in frustration. It was hard explaining to these men how the plan was supposed to fan out. They had no idea what I was talking about since I had no visual representation. It annoyed me deeply, the rages of the river Styx felt as if they were bubbling under my skin.

"Let me start over," I sighed. "Since there is the whole axe formation of legions about to decimate the kingdoms of Atlantis, I have found that there is a strategy that could defend the kingdoms." I reexplained.

"At first, there will be a line of defense on the axe part of their formation who will focus on defending the kingdoms." I pointed to an illustration I made of the Atlantean army which was simply golden colored dots on the holographic map.

"Then another line will come from the other end of the kingdom which will focus on attacking the end of the 'stick' part of the axe and will act as back up and medical aid." I pointed to another golden dotted line.

"Lastly, there is another line that will come in the middle to act as back up for both lines and will deploy on their respective stations. They will focus on obliterating all of the forces as a final blow." I showed the last line which protruded from the middle. Looking at it, you'll see that it's in a firm of a-

"Trident! It looks like a trident!" One of the diplomats said while pointing out the illustrations I made. I smiled in appreciation.

"Yes, sir. It is a trident." I agreed. "This was a form I saw in one of the paintings and I was thinking it might work as a good strategy."

"I'm sorry but your strategy is based on legends and paintings?" another one of the diplomats asked mockingly. He chuckled after his statement and the whole board was chuckling with them. I breathed in deeply, letting the water become filtered through my gills and exhales bubbles from my mouth. As much as I wanted to knock these idiots out, it was not the best choice of action.

Above all, we were diplomats and a peaceful and cooperative strategy would better benefit us than one that nobody agrees on. I let go of my ego and cleared my throat before speaking. "I know it may sound ridiculous and it may seem to be a foolish risk on something that affects all of the kingdoms," I started. "But there is no better way to defend the kingdoms if we do not try at least having a coordinated attack."

"A defense through an offense? Sounds interesting." Vulko stroked his chin. "But what if it fails?"

"Then I am willing to put my head on a platter if it comes to that." I said confidently. I took out my lasso and rolled it around my hand, glowing softly as I spoke. "I have sworn to the king of Atlantis that I will help your kingdom in any way that I can. And if I fail," I gazed at the eyes of every diplomat, determination and fearlessness coursing through my veins.

I was afraid of the promises I was making, of course. I was going to risk myself if I was not able to fulfill my promise. But I was, however, much more afraid if I were to risk the lives of countless others and never fulfill my promise at all. "Then I am willing to lay down my life in payment for the failure I have made."

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