Chapter 27: Confrontation

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(Image is the confrontation in my mind)

"Release them, you animals!"

"Animals?! We'll see who's the animals when we slit your necks!"

Angry shouting was coming from the boat, a group of sisters with us who were armed as they marched toward the shore. I was in the throne room with the Queen when all of a sudden, another Amazon came rushing in and warned that Atlanteans have come ashore Themyscira and kidnapped Chazen and the others. Immediately, we set off to the beach. Every one of us went, including the Queen.

"How long have they been there?" Queen Hippolyta asked.

"For about half an hour, my Queen." One of the soldiers replied.

"Has there been any other hostages?"

"None so far. They have only been taken the Atlantean, the small girl and the narwhal. They are demanding to take all three of them away."

What? I rushed ahead of the group, the calls of them somehow further from me as I ran over to the shore quicker and immediately saw what was happening. Chazen was tied behind his back on the boat while the little girl was held by a strong muscular man with a spear and a violet armor similar to her father's uniform. Flounder was also head up against a man with the same weapon and the same armor. There were a least seven men holding Chazen and them near and on the bait.

"Wait!" I shouted. All of my sisters present who pointed their weapons at them looked at me surprised. I rushed towards near the boat and one of the intruders pointed his spear at me.

"Do not come closer, Amazon! We have come to take what's rightfully ours. Atlantis must have its king!" The intruder shouted.

"You shall have yours once Arthur takes his place!" Chazen shouted at them. This earned him a hit on the cheek with butt of the spear.

"Silence! You have no right for words as you have betrayed your people enough!" The intruder angrily replied.

I raised my hands and slowly went over to the water. One of my sisters held my shoulder. "What are you doing?" She asked under her breath. I patted her hand and replied, "I'm going to try and negotiate. If it seems as if it will not go well, look at my hands and I will give a signal. You focus on protecting them."

I was at a disadvantage here. I did not bring my shield, nor trident or even lasso. All I had were my bracers which were enough to be defense and hopefully, also enough to be offense. I had no doubt that my sisters would be able to fend them off. They are Amazons, warriors by nature. My only fear is that I would not be capable of protecting the three, especially Grel whom I have sworn to protect.

I went over to the boat with my hands raised started to talk loudly. "Okay, I am only here to negotiate. Please free Chazen and we will see what we can do with your negotiations."

The head intruder who seems to be the person I was talking to, continued to raise his spear at me. "We will not negotiate on our needs! The kingdoms need our king already! Our governments have run us amok!"

I slowly inched myself closer and the spear of the intruder hit my side. I did not get hit or grazed but it was obviously already a warning. I looked up and the intruder smirked. "The next time, it will already be through your head."

I looked at the Queen, asking for some help at least but she shook her head. Remembering our talk, she said she must give the people of Atlantis what they need because Themyscira need not to affect itself with more enemies than necessary. It means they are on their own now.

But I keep my promises. So, I looked at my sister Amazon who knew the signal and nodded to her. I bent down hurriedly to pick up a rock then threw it at the face of the intruder before I jumped and propelled myself up on the boat and punched the head intruder in the face. This made him lose his balance and grip on the other spear.

Epione: The Atlantean AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now