Chapter 26: Sides

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(Image is of the beach in Themyscira)

It's been three days since I've joined the gladiator games and I have been thinking things ever since. My people do need their more experienced combatants now more than ever. And I do feel somehow compelled loyal to my Queen. I have not lost touch with my Amazon warrioress capabilities. Most importantly, I felt such good feelings when fighting alongside my sisters.

It would be logical to stay. It would always be. Then, I remember the little girl I promised to protect. I looked at her with compassion and continue to see her through with such. I dislike the idea of abandoning her just to participate in war. I remember Flounder who has been such a good friend to me and has been supportive throughout all of my journey. The beautiful kingdoms and seas of Atlantis that I wish I could explore more. Such beauty and such grace from a kingdom I never knew I could grow wanting to see.

But most of all, I would remember Chazen. Him risking so much for me. Him being there for me. Him willingly putting himself in risky and humbling positions just so he could help me be where I should be.

It is but a different feeling. I do not feel guilty and obligated to do something in return with him unlike before. Now, it just feels personally wrong to let him down. Maybe, I just really don't want to let him down now.

Along with those feelings of making a choice, I had to deal with thinking about Thanatea, my actual mom. I never knew that could be a possibility. I was bought with the idea that Thanatea and I were born from an Amazon fully formed by the gods and with a mortal man who procreated with the Amazon and that we were abandoned by both in the horrors of war. I did not realize that the true story was just a different embellishment from its interpretation.

"Chazen," I called into the house. "Chazen, I am home! Where are you?" I called.

"Chazen!" I started to call louder when there was no response.

"That's weird, he was just here yesterday." I muttered to myself and kept calling him.

I went inside a room and did not see him. I was about to close the door when I saw something in the window. A movement. I peered closer and I saw Chazen, with his bag with him, going into the beach.

I followed him there and watched, stealthily following him every step of the way. I saw him go into the yacht and climb over. He then talked with the girl whom we brought and also Flounder.

I went out of my way and came near to them, still confused as to what was happening. I went near them and called. "Chazen? Flounder?" Chazen looked up and smiled softly at me.

"What is happening?" I asked.

"I was just talking with them and seeing how they were. We were-" He paused and exhaled before continuing. "Preparing situations in case you wanted to stay."

"What?" I asked in disbelief. "I didn't choose anything yet. I'm only here for sanctuary, as are you." I stated.

"I know, you're right. You haven't chosen anything yet." He said. "But I saw you in the arena and you were great! Wonderful! It's just seemed to belong there more there anywhere else."

I could not answer him back immediately.

"I never wanted to make this a harder option for you," He explained. "It's why I was trying to make these preparations in case you choose."

"I am not obligated to stay here, Chazen." I said. "You know that, right?"

"Yes but-"

I cut him off. "I have fulfilled my duty to Themyscira. I have done my part, albeit I failed but-" I sighed. "I have done enough for Themyscira."

"So...what are you saying?" Chazen asked.

"What I'm saying is it would be great to remain here but I chose you. I'm choosing you right now." I confirmed. This felt true to me. It felt real. It didn't feel like a lie. "But as I'm choosing you, I can't just leave everything here to leave with you. I have to do something."

"So, you're going to stay?" He asked.

"Not quite. I'm figuring a situation out where I can fulfill my choice of you and do something for my sisters."

"Epione, you don't have to-" I nodded at Chazen, implicating that I understood what he meant.

"I know, this is not something that I am obligated to do." I elaborated. "But if I abandon either, it will be unsettling for me. Could you trust me on this?" I asked.

Chazen kept quiet, looking at all three of us before nodding. "Okay."

We spent the night together, all three of us. The little girl's name was Grel. She was a measly twelve year old girl who lived her life on Atlantis in which she loved to explore the inner city since she's always lived through the outskirts. She kept telling stories about her father who was a high ranking officer in his 'office' in which she frequently visits.

"One day," She said. "Papa will be so successful that everyone would bow to him." I chuckled at the childish interpretation of her father's words. "But I just wish I could be there with him when he does." She sighed sadly.

I felt pity for her. I cannot make it happen. Her being with her father. It would not be possible because so many lives would be at risk when it's done, especially hers. I held her hand and smiled sadly. "I'm sorry that happened to you." She looked at Chazen who translated it before nodding and smiling back.

We all slept together at the boat that night. The following day, I went over to the castle to talk with Nubia and ask about some things I was curious about. She was in the Throne Room of the Queen, along with Philippus and Queen Hippolyta.

"What brings you here, Epione?" Queen Hippolyta asked.

I bowed towards her. "My Queen," I curtsied. "I am here to ask Nubia about the other Amazon hybrid children out there."

"There are far than few, Epione." Nubia said. "Many of whom are not living here in Themyscira."

"Where do they live?" I asked.

"In many places, my child." Queen Hippolyta rose from her seat and went to me. "They are scattered in differing nations, cities, and towns. No one exactly knows where a daughter of an Amazon ever resides."

"So, am I the only one in the island?"

"Not quite," Philippus responded. "There is someone else also here who is similar to you."

"Cassandra Sandsmark."

"I see." I replied. "When can I at least meet her?" I asked.

"You will soon." Philippus replied. "In the meantime, we are finding strategies where we can fight back against the forces of Steppenwolf if they return once more."

"What are your plans?" I asked.

Philippus started explaining different battle strategies to me starting from defending Themyscira at a time when invasion comes up to strategizing on how to take down their forces, battalion by battalion.

"Will they not overpower us with their enormous number?" I asked.

"Not if they do not know our strategy." Queen Hippolyta answered.

"I feel as though-" My words were cut short a fellow sister bursting through the door and breathing heavily.

"My Queen! We have intruders!" She exclaimed. She looked at me directly and said. "And they have your friends."

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