Chapter 4: The First Tragedy

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(Picture is of underwater ruins and the environment of the dome I visualized. Enjoy!)

After all the fiasco of meeting this narwhal, it fulfilled its' promise of leading to where the rock cage is. We were swimming beyond the kelp garden and into a shallower area of the sea. It took us two or more days to get to where we are. I must have been washed away by the waves so far for me to be at such a distance from the place that I remember where we've fallen. Not to mention how far it has also been washed from the waters away from home.

Within those two days of us swimming, there hasn't been any signs of land in any near sight. The narwhal said that from where he was, land would be three more additional days added to our trek. I was disappointed because I was so hungry to the point where I could honestly eat this sea creature in front of me. Unfortunately, he is my guide. I've heard narwhal meat would be scrumptious consumed raw.

"Hey, lady!" The narwhal called. I looked at it with a deadpanned gaze and asked in a monotone voice, "What?" The narwhal pointed with its horn towards another kelp garden that was quite small compared to the previous one I have been to.

"I know we've been swimming for days so let's go get you some grub." It spoke. It then rushed to the area and was skimming through the kelp before it mumbled, 'aha!' and scooped something with its horn. It then brought it to me and motioned me to open my hands.

"This is some good food. It's sea grass." It then poured the sea grass onto my hands, and I stared at the green leafy edible with small grape-like fruit on it. It looks edible but I don't trust how it would taste.

"What does it taste like?"

The narwhal rolled its' eyes. "It's good. Just eat it or else, you'll starve to death. You don't have much of a choice."

I squinted my eyes at the marine animal before closing my eyes and biting a piece. We did consume sea grass at Themyscira but not this kind. This was scrumptious to another degree. I was elated.

I put the whole thing in my mouth and chewed aggressively. After swallowing, I sheepishly looked at the grinning dolphin-unicorn hybrid and raised my finger. "More." I demanded. The narwhal looked at me deadpanned. "Please," I added.

The aquatic animal then grinned and laughed like a dolphin then went back to the kelp oasis to get more. We both ate the delicious seaweed until we were fully sated. I didn't know if it was possible to burp under water, but I did. It was loud.

I leaned back on a rock as both of us were sitting on the seabed. Both of us exhausted from eating much. "Thank you." I said to the mammal.

"No problem, lady." It grinned. "What's your name?" It asked.

It took me a minute thinking whether I should reveal it or not to the sea creature but ultimately decided to tell it because of what the creature did for me recently. "My name is Epione, an Amazon."

The narwhal nodded. "Epione, huh?" It then swirled around upward and then downward, creating a small whirlpool. It descended again to its original place and bowed.

"My name is Flounder the narwhal, at your service!"

I smiled lazily and chuckled. "Must you be so extravagant in introductions, Flounder?"

"Why, yes of course, madame. It is only appropriate." It smirked.


I looked up above and sighed. "How long are we going to take before we get there?"

"Less than a day now. It wouldn't be too far away from where we're from."

I rose to my feet and then started to collect the seaweed from the oasis as extra food that we might need. I put it in special compartment in my armor and tied it there securely. I looked at Flounder and put my hands on my hips and nodded. "Let's not waste any more time, shall we?"

Epione: The Atlantean AmazonWhere stories live. Discover now