Toriko/One Piece Episode 2 part 2

Start from the beginning

"Then I'll head upstairs," Sunny and Sanji said in unison, they then glared at each other, "What? You, too!"

"Wow, you guys are pretty compatible" Luffy said as Yukiko giggled.


"Luffy-san! Everyone! Leave this floor to us!" Brook yelled, as Zoro, Brook, Robin, and Coco stayed behind.

Then Usopp yelled as he was being chased by the Banjyan Tiger.

"Why is it chasing meeeeeee!?"

"Looks like this is the fall floor." Rin said as the group all jumped up onto the next level. They were in a forest with the leaves falling down from the cold breeze. It looked like the sun was setting in this habitat giving the forest an orange glow.

"Toriko! Leave this floor to me!" Rin yelled as the group was running towards the next level.

"I'll stay here too!" Sunny and Sanji said at the same time before glaring at each other.

"Man, you guys really are compatible!" Luffy grinned at the two.

"NO WE'RE NOT!" they said in unison.

"Don't copy me! Somebody needs to stay with Rin-chan!"

"No, no! I've already decided to stay on this floor! I have a personal interest in the ingredient here!" Sunny yelled at the blonde man.

"What ingredient is that? Sounds interesting," Franky, the cyborg, asked.

"Sunny, Sanji, please work together, we're all trying to help Chopper to get better!" Yukiko called out to the two as she ran to catch up with Toriko and the others.

"~Of course Yuki-chwan~" Sanji sang

"Why do I have to work with such an idiot," Sunny muttered



"Toriko! It seems the ingredient you can get on the next floor is sake!" Rin yelled to the group as she, Sunny, Sanji, and Franky were staying on the autumn floor.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it!" Toriko yelled as he and the rest of the group were heading towards the top.

"Ah! Toriko asked me to take care of it!" Rin gushed as the Octohorn appeared and to Sani's dismay, it wasn't beautiful.....


"COLD!" Luffy sneezed as he, Toriko, Yukiko, and Komatsu were running through a blizzard.

"This cold has a bit of a kick to it, doesn't it," Toriko said as he ran through the snow.

"Yeah," Komatsu answered, "But how is there a blizzard indoors?"

"There's probably warm air coming from somewhere, causing convection," Yukiko looked up to the ceiling, seeing all of the clouds were swirling around each other.

Then Yukiko spotted a large orangutan that was wearing a martial arts gi. The orangutan was currently sitting in front of some kind of hot spring that was steaming in the cold weather.

"Is that an orangutan wearing clothes?!" Komatsu exclaimed.

"That smell is," Toriko paused, "Raochu! That's the Raochu Spring!"

"So that's the third ingredient?" Luffy asked

"Yeah, hey excuse me, could you share the sake with us?" Toriko called out to the orangutan who swayed back and forth before swiftly running forward to strike Toriko sending the blue haired man into a pile of rocks.

"Toriko-san!" Komatsu called out as his partner stood up.

"I see, an orangutan whose favorite treat is raochu! The Raochutan!" Toriko said as the beast swayed before settling on a martial arts pose.

"It's favorite treat is sake?" Luffy asked. "Then it probably won't be easy to get it to share."

"Be careful," Toriko said as the Raochutan swayed back and forth, "With all that wobbling, we can't predict its attacks."

"So like the drunken fist?" Komatsu guessed.

"Komatsu, get somewhere safe." Yukiko said as she got ready to fight, but it was hard because of the cold.

"Guess we'll need help. Moltres, earm up the room!" Yukiko took out a Pokeball and the Kanto Firebird appeared making the room warmer.

"Ah, it's getting warmer now!" Luffy grinned.

"Alright, let's take care of him. Fire stone!" Yukiko said as she took out a Firestone and Luffy got his Red Hawk attack ready as Toriko powered up his punch and Pachi powered up a Shock Wave.

"GOMU GOMU NO....."Luffy

"Blazing Shock Wave...." Yukiko/Pachi

"KUGI PUNCH!!!" Luffy, Yukiko and Toriko said as they hit the Raochutan, knocking him out.

And thanks to Moltres making the room warmer, the Mango Karin also bloomed.

"Luffy, Yukiko, it looks like you're super lucky when finding ingredients you need. You got all the ingredients you need for Chopper!" the pirate grinned as they all looked at the plant.

"Seafood Fruit, chili paste from the Banjyan Tiger, the eight-horned herb from the Octohorn, raochu from the Raochu Spring and the Mango Karin flower," Komatsu said as everybody was all sitting in the Thousand Sunny's kitchen.

"It's finished!" he presented them with a dish with all of the ingredients needed to cure Chopper, "Seafood Fruit with a sauce made from the four seasonal ingredients!"

Yukiko took a spoonful of the dish and raised it to Chopper's mouth. "Here, Chopper-san, eat this." The reindeer took the offered bite and immediately scrunched up his face making everybody hold their breath as the doctor gradually started to turn back to his normal color.

"YUM!" He smiled.

"We did it! He's cured!" everybody cheered as they tossed the now healthy doctor into the air.

The pirates and Gourmet Hunters celebrated with the Spring Shark soup  Sanji made.

Although it peeved Sani that such a lovely girl like Yukiko was taken by an idiot like Luffy.

"Everyone! Thank you! I'll never forget it!" Chopper screamed from the Thousand Sunny as they were setting off.

"Toriko! See you again!" Luffy yelled while waving goodbye.

"Yeah! Let's eat our fill of delicious food again!" Toriko screamed as everybody waved goodbye, "The food you eat with your friends is the best!"

Sanji frowned as he saw that Sunny wasn't even looking at the group and was remaining silent.

'What's with that dude? I guess, in spite of everything, he's sad to say goodbye,' Sanji thought

"Goodbye!" the Strawhat crew all said as they were sailing away. Sunny took a deep breath before running forward and waving goodbye.

"Take care! Let's meet again!" It looked like Sunny was going to miss them, "Thousand Sunny!" Wait, what?

"THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT?!" Everybody exclaimed.

Yukiko shook her head and smiled.
Next is arriving at Punk Hazard, so we will meet Smokey again but also Ceaser Clown.

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