Chaos at the door.

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It has been a while since I've updated this story. Hopefully, this chapter will be good enough for you all.

Truth be told, I missed writing and even though I was told to take my time and only write when I wanted to. I always felt I was letting you all down when I was taking a break.

Expect updates to be way slower than usual but I will still be active. 

The last bit of the chapter reflects on existential dread and nihilism. Read with caution (or just skip it)

You woke up in a bleak and black area. 

The only source of light was a small TV mounted on top of a wooden drawer.

There was no remote, nor a way to turn this everlasting television off.

The words on the TV were compelling though.

Hey (Person), since you don't have a search history (who doesn't lmao), I've just had to make your room based off your OWN MIND.

It's a pretty epic idea, in my opinion.

Have fun :)

— Queenie.

As soon as you finished reading the text, the walls of your 'room' begin to shift and contort into something else.

It was hard to look at due to the fact that the shadowy walls and ceiling of your cell could not truly form a single thing.

You clutched your head in both panic and agony.

This couldn't be real, right? This was all a dream, isn't it? But, this felt too surreal for a dream, and a quick pinch of your hand proved that this was reality.


You looked around for any of your equipment, but the only thing you had was your knife and gun, no items, no trauma kit. You would't be suprised if you were forced to use them. . . Here

You walked around the dark and bleak abyss, trying to search for a way out. Though, expectedly, your search yielded no results.

It was slightly amusing that your own mind was a stranger to your own self.

The television had disappeared, your only source of familiarity gone. In an instant.

What was happening to you?

This 'place' felt like a never-ending carousel of madness, everything around you changed and shifted without any prompt. It reminded you of that clown back in Card Castle. 

Closing your eyes wouldn't help the situation either. The shifting images in your mind still persisted. 

Maybe if you tore your eyes out the images would disappear?

More running, more madness. More of that damn black and white colour. It never changes.

Dammit. . . you were going to get sick in here. You were seriously considering gouging out your eyes now. Or at least throwing up. 

In your bouts of frantic panic, you swore you saw. . . Things staring at you. 

Acceptance: Another Reader X RalseiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant