The Beginning of a New Adventure.

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I was reading some other Ralsei fan fics and learnt that I am SERIOUSLY outclassed.

Why is this community so goddamn good at making fan fiction. 

Some underrated gems I've found are sodakatze's Reader x Ralsei @AdhdKnowsNoBounds's Ralsei x Kris and @Required420's Reader x Ralsei. 

Judging by soda's view count you've probably seen it but the others are definitely worth checking out. 

Now good luck navigating though the field reader!

You moved past the waterfall, and examined the sight in front of you.

A massive city laid on the horizon, it's blinking lights matched well with the pitch black sky. Multiple ferris wheels were spinning in between the tall skyscrapers. A big castle lied in the middle of it, darkness pouring out of the roof. 

"I guess the fountain is in that city" You say, putting your hands on your hips. 

"Yeah, you can see it from here dipshit, it's in that castle" Susie points to the castle in the distance.

"Gee thanks" You mumble. "Well, let's get to that fountain!" 

Ralsei puts a thumbs up and Susie nods her head while Kris just starts walking towards the next room.

What's up with them?

Same thing that's up with you.

You ignored The Voice and continued onwards.

There is no point in ignoring me.

A massive billboard welcomed you, it read. . .


"Now we know where the f**k we are, eh?" Susie jokes. You and Kris roll your eyes at the shoddy attempt at humour.

"Let's, just go" You sigh.

Moving south you took a right and were (unfortunately) ambushed by a trio of Wearwires. 


(Credit to Le Castle Vania)


S.T.A.R.S turn!

This fight is going to be thrilling!

You: "Here's the plan, we all defend and Ralsei uses pacify. Sound good?"

"Sounds great Y/N!" Ralsei says, a smile on his face. A blushed formed on your face.

"A-alright then!" You start to defend, Susie and Kris defend as well.

Ralsei cast pacify!

Wearwire 1 was put to sleep!

Enemy turn!

Target: Kris

"RANDOM TARGET ACQUIRED, FIRING" Both Wearwires raise their arm cannon and started firing at Kris.

Acceptance: Another Reader X RalseiWhere stories live. Discover now