Seam's Seap.

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"Geez one drop of rain could destroy that little tent" You say

"What's rain?" Ralsei asks, genuinely not knowing what it is.

"Oh yeah, Dark world, it's where water falls from the sky because of clouds and stuff" You say, trying to teach Ralsei. You really should have paid more attention in class.

"Ok. . . but what are clouds?" Ralsei asks again, trying to hide a smile.

"Very funny Rally" You say chuckling a bit.

Thinking it would be wise to restock on your supplies, you entered the old hut.

(Credit to Andrew Pathlow)

Trinkets and baubles filled the dusty shelves of the tent, the items ranged from simple food items, to ancient antiques. 

Though after a while of gazing upon the many items on display, a cat like fellow who is looks like they are together by stitches. Appears behind the counter. It seemed to have a button eye with a scar on the bottom of it, while the other eye seemed to be missing, with a black hole taking up the spot of where it once was. The shopkeep also had a purple hue their fur and seemed pretty happy to see Kris, Susie, Ralsei and you.

"Hehe, welcome travellers. Care do buy anything?" They say. "Don't mind the music, it was a song that an old friend recorded for me" The cat looked sad, as if they were reminiscing about something  "Ah well It doesn't matter anymore, what can I get you?" 

You decide to buy 4 burgers for your team and you. While also grabbing some 'armour' in the form of some sticky amberish cards. You manage to see Kris trade in some cash for a new sword

You decide to strike up a conversation with the cat.

"About me? Eh nothing better to do. Name's Seam, pronounced Shawm, and this is my little Seap. Hahahaha" Something about his laugh is off putting. "Anyways I've collected odds and ends, bits and bobs. Of course I don't have any attachment to any of this junk, you just find ways to pass the time. . . Or go mad like everyone else hahaha" That alone was enough to make you shudder internally.

"Seam, do know anything about the Lightners?" You question. You had to do this for the lore, no matter how much you get disturbed by his laugh.

"Oh yes I do actually. Long ago the Darkners lived in harmony with the Lightners. They were our saviours, our gods, our protectors. Until one day they left without a trace. Embittered the King took up arms and aims to take revenge upon the Lightners that left us behind and, well that means you."

You: "Thanks, but is there anything to know about the kingdom?"

"Oh it's all historic nonsense, but this land was once ruled by four kings that resided in card castle to the east, though recently a strange knight appeared and three of the four kings were locked away, giving the spade one and his son all the power. To be honest this land hasn't seen that much chaos since. . .well you don't need to know about THAT."

Not wanting to push further into the subject you boldly claim that you, Kris, Susie and Ralsei (to an extent) are the legendary heroes of light.

"From the prophecy? Hehe good luck sealing the fountain, it doesn't matter to me, neither Light or Dark can hold a future for someone like me." He chuckles a little. "After all, we all return to dust, don't we?"

You ask him about the music. Though it seems he didn't want to go too deep into the subject. 

"It reminds me of better times, if I would tell you about them, this old cat would start tearing up, and that's not good for customer service right?" Seam says, a quiver in his voice. "A-anyway, I suppose you should go now"

Seam: "Come back later. . . Or not Hahahaha. . ."

After taking your leave you go and share your newly acquired dark burgers with Ralsei, Kris and Susie (in order to get on her good side)

"O-oh thanks Y/N! Your really nice you know!" Ralsei says thanking you. It's just so cute!

"Thanks" Kris says not with a hint of happiness, or anything, in their voice. It's just so bland!

While Susie just snatches it out of your hand and says nothing. It's just so, uhhh. . .expected!

Just using you..

After snacking on the treats Kris turns around towards the east and continues to march forward towards the inevitable encounter at card castle. 


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