The Final Hurdle

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The music from before was replaced by the cold sound of the wind. Whistling though the air.

This had to be it, the clock was ticking.

Your journey had come to an end, you will defeat this tyrant, or die trying.

The S.T.A.R.S trudged across the dark roof, preparing for the final fight. The dark fountain loomed overhead,  flowing into the dark sky above. There was not a star in sight, but it still didn't fail to look absolutely beautiful. It reminded you of Ralsei.

You know, if you weren't about to fight a vicious tyrant then this scene would of been kind of beautiful, romantic even.

You walked forward, across the purple brick floor, with a spark of confidence in your chest. 

Or was it overconfidence?

You walk forward and spy Lancer talking to his assumed father.  

"Well. . .dad, you don't HAVE to kill the Lightners you know" He said cheerfully.

"And why is that?" The intimidating shadow of a 'man' said. He was clearly annoyed by his son's liking to the Lightners.

"Well. . . 1. They're really nice and cool. 2. There's this girl named Susie who is the best a-and 3. They haven't even hurt a single Darkner! Well, Toothpaste Boy and Edgy Military Man haven't." Unsurprisingly, The King let out one big disappointed sigh.

"Where. . . are. . . they" He was really pissed off. 

You all march forward, showing yourselves to The King. The shadow looks forth at the four heroes of light. 

Susie: "Sup"

Ralsei: "Hello! It's nice to meet you Mr Tyrant!"

You: "Surprise!"

The King turns back to Lancer. ". . . Lancer, Lancer, do you remember what I told you?" He advances towards Lancer.

Lancer: "D-don't get attached?" 

The King put a hand on his son's shoulder. "You have failed, not only me, but this entire kingdom. They have poisoned you with their, 'kindness' and sentimentality. Free yourself Lancer, as they do NOT care for you. Their one goal is to destroy our glorious fountain.             They. . . Are. . . Scum"

You pulled out your weapon, you were ready to fight him. Susie, seemed furious and Ralsei was concerned.

"N-no they a-aren't" With one quick motion The King lifts Lancer up by the neck, furious about his son's betrayal. Everyone recoiled at the sight, except for Kris of course. 

The King: "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" 

Susie hit a limit, she drew her axe and pointed it at the tyrant. "Let him go"

The King laughs. "You want me to 'Let him go'? How about this" He walks to the edge and lifts Lancer over it. "I will let him go, over the edge of this castle. And he will SPLATTER unless you KNEEL and learn your place in this world. WHAT SHALL IT BE, SCUM!?"

Susie immediately walks backwards and lowers her weapon. "Do what he says guys" 

You: "But-"

Susie: "Do. . . It" 

You sigh and kneel. Ralsei, Susie and Kris do the same. Lancer could only watch in horrified silence. 

"Now WATCH Lancer!. . ." The King summoned three spades in front of the S.T.A.R.S heads. "See what happens when you befriend Lightners!"

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