The Field Of Adds and Malware.

134 5 51

Wrote half of this at 2AM in the morning. Probably going to be sloppy.

Also thank you so much for 1K reads! I'm part of the big bois now! - Catsoupus Doobus.


"Oh look! It's a free editable cyberpidia! I'll add an entry!" Ralsei went up to a random book on a pedestal and wrote on it for about half a minute before retracting. "There all done!"

"(That was quick)" You muttered before going up to the entry. It was very hard to look at but it was readable.

(Not what Y/N sees, because I doubt any of you would want toseemewritelikethis)


When travelling though Dark Worlds you may encounter enemies that are willing to join  Castle town after being spared enough! Though if you defeat them with violence they will be LOST, and unable to join our town ever again. Though sometimes the bonds that you break will make you stronger.

"Interesting, so if we spare the Darkners they'll join castle town?" You say, looking back at Ralsei.

"Yep! That's it!" Ralsei replies, you nod your head and continue though the field. 

You continued down the field, trying to find a way to progress. 

You found a way forward but were suddenly ambushed by a trio of cat thingimibobs! 

(Credit to Le Castle Vania)


S.T.A.R.S turn!

A trio of Tasques jumpscare you!

"Holy shiiiiitake mushrooms!" You self censor. Susie looks at you with an eyebrow raised. "Anyway, let's all heal up alright?" You say, you were still injured from your last encounter, strangely you don't feel any 'after pain', or whatever it's called.

Everyone agrees.

You heal Ralsei with your trauma kit.

Ralsei HP: 110/110

"Oh, uh t-thanks Y/N!" Ralsei said, he blushed at your contact.

"No problem" You smiled back.

"Oi! As much as I find this cute, we've got some cats to befriend, or something" Susie yells. You sigh and get back into position.

Kris and Susie defend in order to get TP.

Ralsei casts heal prayer on You!

Your HP: 75/130

"Thanks Rally!" You say. Ralsei only replied with a blush and a nod.

Enemy's turn.

Target: Susie

One of the Tasques throw some yarn balls that are somehow able to deliver a harmful static shock to anyone who touches it, while the other tries to scratch Susie with their claws.

Susie successfully dodged the yarn balls but was unfortunately wounded by the other Tasque.

Susie HP: 60/130.

"Aaaand this is why I'm a dog person" Susie says, clutching her wound.


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