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Multiple POV swaps for this chapter, prepare to get tricked, confused, and maybe even, bamboozled.

Your POV.

You think about your 'crush' on Ralsei, it wasn't right, it couldn't be, after all you've only known him for one day! And not to mention that your a human, and Ralsei is a monster.

Maybe you've just haven't had enough care in your life and you just really like him for it! Yeah, that's it, definitely.

You unconsciously start stroking Ralsei's head, and he begins to blush in his sleep.

"Hehe. . . Y/N" He whispers. "Your silly." You smile and blush a bit. 

You think of all the past events, the abandoned town, the field, the lake, the dark forest, the picnic and now here. Even though the threat of death was apparent everywhere, you've had more fun here then anywhere else.

It was strange. . . one moment you being thrown against a locker, the next you were in a whole other world, with an amazing new friend.

In this fantasy, most your problems seemed like a bad memory, all your wounds could be healed with the simplest means. The place had people who didn't hate you that much, the place was beautiful, and calming at points, and the thrill of a battle kept you entertained as well.

If only you didn't have this stupid face, or if you were a monster like everyone else, or you had a family, this could of been similar your life in the Light world, without the death, fights and magic.

You think about the dark world and it's confusing nature. Was it underground? In another dimension? In space? Truth be told, you had no idea. The fact that you could talk normally even with a gas mask on was strange as well and how you could still sprint and jump even with full tactical gear on. 

You think of the strange voice and it's purpose. It seems to want you dead, and it can posses you, but it seems to toy with you and doesn't outright make you kill others. And it's identity seemed to be an enigma. It's main way of attacking you is through psychological means. Strange.

You think of Kris and how they injured Ralsei, and how you knocked them out. Was that you? Or was it that voice? They seemed to be much more violent and outgoing then usual. But they always seemed to have a pained expression. It's like they didn't want to do what they were doing.

You think of Ralsei. The fluffy black goat with the cutest appearance and who was super kind as well. You couldn't let him get wounded, and when he did you were rushing to help straight away.  And if you couldn't heal him, Ralsei would assure he was fine and thank that you tried. . . That was enough to make you smile.

You start dozing off to sleep shortly after your recollection of sorts and go to sleep to the sound of Ralsei's purring.

Susie's POV

I wake up to the sound of Lancer repeatedly saying 'Wake up'.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake u-"

"YEAH YEAH IM UP" I shout and get up. I quickly brush myself off and stare at my two teammates.  "What the FUCK happened" I ask.

Kris was busy snacking on one of our Lancer cookies before saying "Yeah so, I downed the goat dude so Y/N threw a hissy fit and shot me in the chest"

Susie: "You have armour" 

Kris: "Yeah well. . . True, not my fault their gun has AP rounds"

Susie: "What the fuck is an AP round?"

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