Enter the Dark World 2 (electric boogaloo)

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You woke up at the foot of the closet, Kris and Susie were still on the ground next to you. You, being the proactive person you are, attempted to shake both of them awake. Kris wouldn't budge but as soon as your hand touched Susie's arm she shot up, swinging her arms around.

"I'M UP!" She calmed down on seeing you. "Oh wait that was you. . . Sweet" She got up and headed for the doors to the "Hey I thought we had to get ready for class?" You pipe up, Susie turns around.

"Oh yeah, it's just that Noelle invited us to study before school. You can come too I guess, it's at the librabry." You nodded and picked up Kris, who was absentmindedly sitting on the floor. "Meet you nerds there!" Susie rushed out the doors and into the streets.

Kris practically did the same, leaving you all alone. 

You shrugged your shoulders and walked out of the school. . . What's the worst that could happen?

You strolled towards the meeting place only to see the Libraby completely empty. Susie and Kris were nowhere to be found. 

You looked through the shelves and walked up the stairs only to find the area deserted. Was this just a prank? Hopefully.

The only place you haven't checked was the computer lab. You opened the doors, only for darkness to fill your vision. You recoiled a little. Another Dark World? It couldn't be!

You walked up to the edge of the doors. 

Yep, that is one hell of a Dark World entrance. You didn't feel like going through another death defying adventure, so you stepped back.

Until. . . a force pushed you in the back like a gust of wind! You let out a scream before you felt like you were. 








You wake up for what feels to be the 50th time today. Strangely (unlike last time) nothing hurt, you got up almost immediately. You looked around the area.

Green was everywhere, the floor was green, the cliffs were green and the 'sky' was a pitch black. The area was silent. Deathly silent.

Your usual Dark World attire was on, which gave you some idea on where you were.

You walked forward, carefully stepping around the various cracks and holes that would lead to a long drop.

An endless drop. . .If you were to fall. . . Would anyone miss you?

Oh your here now.

Miss me?

Not really.

The twists and turns were never ending. Were you alone? Were Kris and Susie here as well? Questions raced through your mind. Neither you nor The Voice had an answer.

 You were lost in thought until you spotted a pink little, thing, huddled up against a corner. You rushed over to it. 

"Hey are you alright?" You say, concerned.

Acceptance: Another Reader X RalseiWhere stories live. Discover now